Chapter Nine

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"Yes!" Max cheered, staring at his test. Somehow, he had managed to make a B. Nikki peered over to look at his grade. "Wow," she murmured, impressed. She locked eyes with him. "What's the motive?"

He could tell he was blushing as he put the paper away. "Let's just say I made a deal with Preston that's too good to pass up."

She arched an eyebrow. "Oh?" The athlete leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms. "Must be pretty tempting."

Max coughed, trying to hide his red cheeks. "Yep," he spoke, voice cracking. Nikki snickered and shook her head. "Good luck."

"Thanks," he squeaked, hoping to change the subject. His friend got the hint. "So I heard your boyfriend's car got fucked up."

"It wasn't that bad..." he said quietly. "He made it seem like it was, though."

"Typical Preston," she muttered. The teacher finished passing out the tests and started class.


Max slipped out of class as soon as the bell rang. He travelled through the hall with ease, dodging the taller teenagers. Soon enough, he found himself in Ms. Sutherland's room.

She was cleaning off the whiteboard, humming to herself. He was the first one there. Slipping into a desk, the senior cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Hm?" She glanced over her shoulder. "Oh, Maxwell! How are you?"

"Alright," he answered with mock cheerfulness. She bought it.

"Good! How's the other Goodplay doing?"

It took the teen a minute to realize what she had said. "Um... He's doing great. College is a little difficult on him, but he's managing."

Ms. Sutherland smiled. "Glad to hear. Could you tell him I miss him please?"

"Will do," Max stated, relieved to see another student walk in. The teacher absolutely adored his and Preston's relationship. He swore if they let her, the woman would plan out their whole wedding. If they got married, that is.

More students filed in and class started. He found himself staring out the window, daydreaming about a certain theatre dork.


A/N: I'm trying to get back onto a schedule, (once a day) so bear with me. On another note, this finally surpassed 1k reads! Thanks a million!

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