Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Ms. Sutherland thank you so, so, so, so much for letting me do this!" Preston breathed, grabbing onto the teacher's shoulders. She laughed softly and pulled his arms down. "Of course. You're like a son to me. And Max was almost the top of his class this year, so he deserves it."

He nodded slowly and peeked out at the stage from behind the curtains. "He doesn't know I'm back here, right?"  

"No, I told him you were in the crowd already." She gave him a wink. "You're good to go, hon."

The actor smiled and pulled out the black velvet box. He flipped it open, checking the ring for the billionth time that night. His smile widened and he slipped the box back into his pocket. With a shaky breath, he adjusted his bowtie. "How do I look?"

"Preston," Ms. Sutherland sighed, shaking her head. "You look fine. You'll do fine."

"Are you sure? What if-"

"Trust me," she cut him off. "You'll. Do. Great."

He paused for a moment, then pulled the red head into a hug. "Thank you," he whispered.

She hugged back tightly. "You're welcome." The lights suddenly dimmed and they pulled away. "Wait until he grabs his diploma, that's your cue," she murmured before walking off.

Preston closed his eyes, breathing in and out. "This is it. I'm finally gonna do it," he thought, turning around so he could watch the other students graduate.

Many didn't seem to pay him any mind, only nodding his way or whispering "Thanks," as he congratulated them. Tabii soon came through and her jaw dropped open. "Pres?"

"Shh," he put a finger to his lips. She gave him a small smile and nodded in understanding before walking past him. He waited patiently for his boyfriend's name to be called.

"Maxwell Russell."

The drama student felt his breathing hitch. He watched the shorter boy walk out in stage, black cloak swallowing him. His cap was somewhat to the side and he looked exhausted. The teen smiled weakly as he took the diploma and started to head offstage.

Preston let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding and grabbed the microphone. He stepped out from behind the curtains. "Excuse me, I think you got his last name wrong."

The graduate spun around to face him and his eyes widened. "Preston...?"

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" The announcer asked, giving him a wink. His gaze returned towards his boyfriend and he slowly approached him. "I just don't think it suits him."

Max raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Oh?"

He nodded and finally stopped walking. "Well, we've been together for three and a half years, right?"


"And, well, I think it's time for a little change." The auburn got down on one knee. He watched the realization dawn on his partner's face and grinned.

"Oh my god..." Max cupped a hand over his mouth in shock. "Pres..."

Preston pulled out the black box, trying to steady his breathing. "Max..." The box popped open, revealing the diamond ring. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

The ravenet fell onto his knees, hands still over his mouth. "Yes, yes, yes, oh my fucking god yes."

The crowd cheered as Preston slipped the ring on Max's finger. Once it was on, the short teen pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, burying his face into his fiance's shoulder. He felt warm, wet tears soak his shirt and he smiled.

The announcer politely told them their time was up and gestured them offstage. They pulled away and stood up, still watery eyed. Their fingers intertwined as they exited stage right.

Once they passed the curtains, the indian grabbed his lover by the shirt collar and pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you so goddamn much, do you know that?" Max murmured once they pulled away. Preston laughed and wrapped his arms around the other's waist. "I know, I love you too."

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