Chapter Two

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"Finally!" Max sighed, sliding into a desk next to Nikki. She gave him a confused look and he rolled his eyes. "Preston found a friend and stopped texting me."

She raised an eyebrow. "That's... Good?"

"Considering he almost got me in trouble, yes," he answered bluntly. The girl nodded slowly before turning back around. Class soon started up.


"So, what are you planning to do after high school?" Nikki asked as they walked to the cafeteria. Max shrugged. "I don't plan on going to college. Probably just going into the workforce. You?"

"Oh, y'know... Probably a park ranger. Maybe at Yellowstone." The athlete's eyes lit up. Her friend chuckled as they walked into the cafeteria.

It didn't take them long to get their food and sit down. Max felt his phone vibrate and checked it, hoping it was Preston. It wasn't disappointed.

He became engrossed in it, sending his boyfriend flirty remarks and constantly teasing him. He didn't even notice when someone walked up to the table.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" they asked. The short teen ignored them. Nikki sighed in annoyance. "Go ahead. Don't pay him any mind, he's busy being a lovesick puppy."

"Fuck off, Nik," he growled, not taking his eyes off his phone. The newcomer snickered. "Hold on, I've got this." They cleared their throat. "Gutentag, Max. Vhat are you doing?"

His head jerked towards the voice. "Dolph?"

The sophomore smirked. "Told you," he murmured to Nikki- in an american accent, at that. Max blinked, surprised. "Wow. Your english has improved."

"Glad you noticed," he purred, popping in a french fry. The senior eyed him up and down. "Was that a side effect of puberty, or...?"

He laughed, pushing his hair to the side. The boy had grown a lot since camp. The one thing that had stayed intact was his adorableness. "No, no. I appreciate the compliment, though."

Max's gaze returned to his phone. He tuned out Nikki, who was rambling about her love life. He smiled at the last text Preston had sent him. "God, I love this dork," he thought.

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