Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: So, um... *uncomfortable laughter* This is the... *cough* smutty chapter... So, skip over it if that's not your cup of tea...
It's not THAT bad... I hope... Anyway-


"I wish we could've kept one of them," Preston sighed as they got home. Max smirked at him and stepped out of the car. "Who knows, later on we might be able to."

The couple approached the front door, fingers intertwining about halfway there. The shorter grabbed his key and unlocked the door. "By the way, I think I need my report card signed."

His boyfriend rolled his eyes. "You're eighteen, Max. Do it yourself." He let the younger pull him inside.

"Yeah, but it'd be like you're signing off your virginity to me."

The dramatic male laughed. "Really?" He shut the door behind them and sashayed over to his lover. "Why sign off for something that I've promised to you?" His fingers trailed up Max's side and he watched the teen blush. Amber eyes stared into green ones.

Before either of them realized what was happening, their lips were locked and Preston had pinned his boyfriend to the wall. The actor pulled back, eyes wide in shock. "Oh my god, I, I don't know what came over me-"

"It's ok," the senior interrupted. He looked the other up and down. "If anything, it was pretty hot..." He grabbed onto the older's shirt and pulled him down some. "Do it again."

Flustered, he nodded. Biting his lip, he grabbed Max's hands and held them up against the wall. He then attacked the boy's lips.

The black haired teen melted into it, slipping his tongue into his lover's mouth. The auburn moaned quietly. Preston pulled back, earning a whine from the younger.

"Shhh," He put a finger to the younger's lips. Their eyes were clouded with lust. "Let's take this to the bedroom..."

Max smirked and let the taller pull him along. He felt his heart hammering in his chest. They were actually going to do it.

"Just one request?" the playwright asked as they got to the room. His boyfriend glanced up at him. "Yes?"

He looked down, face and ears red. "Um... Can I ride you one time around?"

Max laughed softly. "Are you trying to go 'Dead Girl Walking' on me? Or 'Do You Wanna Ride'?" He watched the other grin. "Maybe..."

He rolled his eyes, smiling. "God, you're adorable..." The conversation replayed in his head and he froze. "Wait. You said 'one time around'..."

Preston shrugged. "That is, if you'd be up for a round two..." He winked suggestively and his gaze flicked downward. "Someone's excited."

He gave up trying to hide his excitement. "Of fucking course..." He kicked the bedroom door closed and glided over to his partner. His boyfriend chuckled darkly and yanked him onto the bed. "Let's do this..." he purred.


A/N: I'll go curl up in a corner now bye- ~FB667

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