Chapter Four

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"Well, we'll be off. Talk to you guys tomorrow!" Preston chirped, pulling Max along with him. The shorter boy didn't mind- the sooner they were alone, the better. He pulled on the car door handle to find it was locked. He walked in place, impatient.

His boyfriend laughed. "Calm down!" The adult unlocked the door and pulled it open. Max jumped into his seat and shut the door behind him, waiting on the other. Once the door was closed, he attacked Preston's lips.

The theatre geek giggled in between kisses. "Wow. You missed me a lot."

"Of fucking course," he murmured, pulling back enough so their eyes met. The taller grinned. "I missed you too."

His lover returned the grin and slowly reconnected their lips. He grabbed onto Preston's arm, pulling him closer. The older obliged, reaching up to tangle his fingers in the black locks.

Suddenly, a car horn went off. The couple jumped and pulled away. It turned out to be Nerris, who had just gotten off work. Max glared at her.

She laughed at for into her car, speeding away. The senior huffed. "Goddamn cockblock..."    

The actor's face went red. He went and buckled his seatbelt, trying to hide it. "W... What? A cockblock?"

The younger shrugged. "I mean, yeah..." He clipped in his own seatbelt. "Things could've gotten heated... Only if you wanted them to!" The last part came out in a rush. His face was now a dark red.

He snickered, putting the key into the ignition. "Maybe..." he purred. He sat up in the seat and looked over his shoulder as he backed out of the parking lot. "How about I make a deal with you?"

Max perked up. "What kind of deal?"

Preston smirked, giving the other a mischievous look. "If you get A's and B's on your report card..." His eyes returned to the road. "Then I'll make sure there aren't any cockblocks."

The black haired teen felt his face heat up. His eyes widened and he tore his gaze away from his boyfriend. "O... Ok," He ignored the overdramatic male's chuckles and stared out the window. He was still trying to process the words as they got home. It took about fifteen minutes to fully sink in, but when it did he couldn't stop smiling.

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