Chapter Five

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"These classes are a lot harder than I thought," Harrison murmured. Preston was walking to class with him.

The drama lover nodded. "Yeah, it's tiring." He pulled out his phone and cleared his notifications.

His friend rolled his eyes and trotted into the classroom. He set his stuff aside and sat down. The taller followed close behind.

The magician sighed loudly and let his forehead hit the table. Preston looked alarmed. "Are you ok?"

"I will be," he muttered, barely lifting his head. The theatre kid raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"

"Neil's being cold to me," Harrison started, no emotion in his voice. "Then again, I don't know what else I expected." He laughed dryly.

The other sighed sympathetically. "You two haven't had... Well, the smoothest history together. He'll warm back up to you, I'm sure of it."

He waved him off. "Sure."

Before the male could add on, class started.


Lunchtime finally came around, and Preston was more than relieved. His classes couldn't have went by any slower. He started off towards his car, pulling out his phone. He decided to text Max.

FuckingAdorable: Hey babe!
HethinksI'mcute: hey cutie
FuckingAdorable: How's school?
HethinksI'mcute: ok
HethinksI'mcute: pretty sure I flunked that test though
FuckingAdorable: Let's hope not.
HethinksI'mcute: you?
FuckingAdorable: Extremely slow. Hopefully work will go faster.
HethinksI'mcute: you're on the way there?
FuckingAdorable: I'm at the car, yes.
HethinksI'mcute: I'll let you go then
HethinksI'mcute: Love you
FuckingAdorable: Love you too

He shut off his phone and unlocked the door. He slid into the driver seat with a sigh, glancing at the clock. 11:53 a.m.

"Seven minutes," he murmured to himself as he backed out if the parking space. As he drove, Preston hoped that the rest of the day would go by quicker.

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