Chapter Twenty-Three

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The school year was flying by, and Preston almost wished it wasn't. Soon enough, Max would be graduating high school and he'd still be stuck in college.

"I shouldn't worry about that," he scolded himself. He rolled over in bed to face his lover. He smiled watching the teen sleep. Carefully, he weaved his arms around the younger male. "Morning, babe."

The senior shifted some so he was snuggled up against the older's chest. "Morning, sunshine," he muttered.
Preston stifled a laugh. "Aren't you glad it's the weekend?" he asked softly, burying his face into Max's black curls.

"Kinda," he replied groggily. "But I have work today..."

"Not until this afternoon," the actor stated. "So you can stay here with me for a while."

"Good," his boyfriend growled, hugging onto him tightly. He giggled and kissed the top of the teen's head.
They stayed there for about five more minutes until Preston's phone rang. He sighed and sat up to answer it. The other male whined and tried to pull him back down.

"I'll be back in a minute, I promise," the auburn told him, slipping out of bed. He glanced at the caller ID and quickly walked out of the room to answer it. "Harrison?"

"Hey, I got them."

"You got the measurements? Oh, thank you so much!"

"Of course. When do you plan on popping the question?"

"Graduation. I've planned it all out, and Ms. Sutherland's on board with it."

"Sweet. I'll be there for Nikki. So, do we get to see it?"

"Absolutely. You're gonna love it."

"Gotcha. So like, how much is it going to cost?"

"My mother gave me her old one, and I'm just resizing it. So... About fifty bucks."

"Shit, that's smart."

Preston snickered. "Well, I promised Max I'd get back in bed with him, so I'll let you go. Thanks a million, though."  

"No problem," Harrison replied before hanging up. The theatre lover sighed happily and returned to their room. He crawled back in bed with Max, who hugged him tightly.

"Stay," he mumbled sleepily. The taller rolled his eyes and cuddled up to him. "Alright, I will..."

His boyfriend hummed quietly and gripped onto his shirt tightly. He couldn't help but smile. "A sleepy Max is an adorable Max," he thought to himself, wrapping an arm around the shorter male. Preston soon drifted back to sleep, with his lover in his arms.

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