Chapter Fourteen

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The dinner went by rather quickly, much to Max's surprise. One minute he'd been talking to Ms. Goodplay about her son, the next she was hugging them goodbye. He wouldn't admit it, but he kind of missed her already.

"I'm glad that went well," Preston sighed, taking his plate to the sink. His boyfriend nodded. "It went by so fast, though..."

The dramatic male giggled. "Yeah, it did..." He put his plate up into the cupboard. "But now I can suggest my repayment..."

The teen felt the blood rush to his face and coughed. "Um, sure. What is it?"

He smirked down at Max. "Wanna take a shower with me?"

"Oh my god yes," he thought, excited. He nodded vigorously. "Please."

Preston chuckled quietly and slipped around the corner. "Alright, see you shortly."

The younger key out a shaky breath. "Calm down, it's not that big of a deal..." he told himself. But his heart wasn't listening, beating at a rapid pace. He wasn't even thinking as he grabbed some clothes and hurried off towards the bathroom.

The other was already in there, pulling his shirt over his head. He caught sight of Max and gave him a shy smile. The teen returned it.

He fought the urge to look at Preston as they undressed, blushing a dark shade of red. A chuckle came from across the room. "Max, it's fine. You can look."

His gaze snapped over and he admired his boyfriend. He felt his face burning up. "Ok, yeah. This is a big deal."

The actor snickered and turned on the water. "You're cute when you're embarrassed."

"Shut up, you are too..." he muttered. He heard the other male laugh and heard splashing. "Hope it's not too hot for you."

"What, you or the water?" Max glanced up and caught Preston blushing. "Shut up and get in," the auburn growled.


A/N: 'Kay I don't like how this turned out, but anyway-   ~FB667

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