Chapter Ten

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The weeks went by painfully slow. After some time, Preston finally managed to pay for repairs and fix up his car. He was more than happy about it, and it showed. Well, besides the fact they were broke. 

"Morning Max," he purred as the teen came into the living room. His hair was a mess, and the bags under his eyes were pretty obvious. "Hey Pres-" He cut himself off with a yawn.

The drama lover giggled. "Need to wake up some?"

He nodded, pulling out a kitchen chair. Preston sashayed over to him. He closed his eyes, expecting a kiss.

Instead, his boyfriend ran a hand through his black curls, working out some of the knots. Max flinched. "Ow."

He heard the other laugh. "Sorry. You're awake now, aren't you?"

"Yes, thanks a lot," the senior muttered sarcastically. The taller leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Good." He kissed the other cheek. "How are your grades doing?"

He perked up winning as another knot came free. "I made a B on my test."

"Nice!" He finished combing through the fluffy hair. "Keep it up and you'll get your prize."

"My eyes are on the prize, Presty." Max turned around in his seat and eyed his lover up and down. "Believe me."

The actor's face flushed pink. "Glad to know you wanna work for my virginity."

The shorter boy snickered. "Of course." He stood up and slung his denim bookbag over one shoulder. He hugged Preston with his free arm. "I'd do anything for you."

"Aw!" He hugged back tightly. "You're so sweet..."

Max pulled back. "Under my tough exterior, yes."

He earned a laugh from his boyfriend. With a small smile, he waved him goodbye and stepped outside to wait for the bus.

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