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"... And that pretty much sums it up," Max sighed, staring off into space. His gaze returned to the twelve-year-old in front of him. The boy's eyes were wide and curious. "Wow!"

"Henry?" Harrison came around the corner, looking worried. He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god, I thought I lost you again."

The shorter waved him off. "Nah, I kept your brother entertained for a while."

The college student lifted his brother onto his back, piggyback style. The teen giggled an wrapped his arms loosely around his brother's neck. "And how'd you do that?"

"I told him the story of how I met Pres," he answered. "But then he wanted more detail, so I summarized the last year..." He held up his hand, showing off the engagement ring. "And how I got this bad boy."

The magician nodded and turned to watch Neil walk in. "How's Preston doing?"

"Worried as hell," the brunet muttered, cleaning his glasses. "He's nervous that the ceremony won't be perfect."

Max rolled his eyes. "I love him I do, but he worries about the littlest things..." He locked eyes with his friend. "Tell him I said it'll be fine."

"Got it," the scientist watched Henry play with Harrison's hair and smiled. "Want me to take him off your hands?"

"Please," he breathed. His boyfriend laughed and lifted the boy off his back. "C'mon Henry, let's go talk to Preston."

The teen's eyes lit up. "Ok!" He grabbed onto Neil's hand and followed him out.

"You two would be great dads," the cynical male said quietly. He watched the other's face flush red. "Shut up, we're not the ones getting married today."

He snickered and started fiddling with his tie. "Still, you would." His gaze travelled around the room, admiring the decorations. Harrison gave him a small smile. "You nervous?"

"Obviously," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Who wouldn't be nervous on their wedding day?"

The illusionist laughed quietly. "Maxwell Goodplay... Gonna take some time getting used to that."

The groom shrugged and checked the time. "We better get going, it's about to start," he mumbled, standing up.

The strawberry blond followed him. "Good luck out there."

He rolled his eyes. "Thanks, I guess."

They walked out towards the alter. Max felt his heart pounding in his chest. All he could think was, "This is it. I'm marrying the love of my life. Who would've know it'd be this adorable, theatrical asshole named Preston Goodplay?" He stifled a laugh as he stood at the front, watching the aisle impatiently.

The guests started filing in, murmuring there congratulations to him. He caught sight of his parents and waved them over.

"I can't believe it!" His mother breathed, pulling her son into a hug. "My boy's all grown up. He's getting married! Married, Ryan!"

Max laughed quietly and hugged her back. "Yep, I'm Preston's now."

His father snickered. "Glad to see you've finally found someone you'll be with for life."

Once the graduate calmed down his crying mother he headed back to the front. As soon as he got in place, the ceremony started.

The best men (Harrison and Neil), two bridesmaids (Nerris and Nikki), along with a few other groomsmen followed in, getting into place. Harrison gave Max a reassuring smile as the music started.

He held his breath as Preston walked in. Ms. Goodplay held onto his arm, leading him down the aisle. Her blue eyes were glistened with tears.

The teen locked eyes with his soon-to-be husband and flashed him a smile. The taller returned it, clutching the bouquet of blue and yellow roses tightly.

His mother reluctantly let go of him, giving her future son-in-law a small nod. He reached out and squeezed her hand, whispering, "I'll take care of him, I promise."

"I know," she mouthed back before letting go and taking a seat near the front. Then the vows began.

Max's were short and sweet, while Preston's lasted about ten minutes. Hell knows how he could've remembered them- then again, he is an actor. After that, the rings were presented.

"Maxwell Russell, do you take Preston Goodplay to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

He grabbed his lover's hand. "I do."

"And Preston Goodplay, do you take Maxwell Russell to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

He squeezed his fiance's hand. "I do."

"Then I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom..."

Max didn't hesitate. He pulled Preston down by his tie and smashed their lips together. The room erupted with cheers.

The auburn laughed once they pulled away. "Funny, that was very similar to our first kiss..."

The younger snickered. "Cheers and everything..." He took his husband's hand and kissed the other's wedding ring. "Guess our love is something to celebrate."

He smiled and leaned back down to kiss him. The drama lover remembered the words he had told himself almost a year ago. "Everything is going to be ok..."  

And he was right. It was even better than ok, actually. It was fucking perfect.


A/N: And there you have it! An extremely gay ending to this extremely gay fic! I hope you enjoyed the journey and (for now? For a while? Maybe sooner than that? Probably not) I bid you adieu...

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