Secret ❦ Peter Parker

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"Okay, we didn't dance. And I was totally joking, anyway." Jim tells the camera as he shakes his head.

"I mean, it's not really a date if the girl goes home to her fiancé." Jim jokes.

"Right?" He looks down, disappointed.

(The Office. Season 2, episode 7)

A small pout formed on my lips as I saw how sad Jim was. Soon, the credits came on with that catching theme song. I grabbed the TV remote and played the next episode.

I loved The Office. My best friend, Peter, told me about it a couple of months ago. Since then, I have watched the whole series, twice. This was my third time.

A small knock caught my attention, suddenly. It came from my window. Naturally, I stood up from my position on my bed, and walked toward it. I already knew it was Peter. We both lived in the same apartment complex and he would usually take the fire escape to get to my bedroom window. 

"Hey Pete." I greeted, as I opened up the window for him.

"Hey." He grunted and tumbled inside my room. Confused, I looked up at him and saw Peter wincing, holding his shoulder. There were also bad scratches all over his face and exposed arms.

"What happened to you?" I gasped. I knew Peter gets bullied, but never this bad. Plus, why would he get hurt at this time of the night? Peter ignored my question, as he limped over to my bed, and threw himself on it, face first.

"Nothing. I just want to lay down for a while." He mumbled, heaving a big sigh.

"Are you sure its nothing? You look pretty bad." I said carefully as I sat down next to him, on my bed.

"Gee, thanks." He turned over so that I could see his slightly scratched face.

"What happened?" I asked softly, placing my hand on his upper arm. He looked at my hand, then back up at me. I stared into his eyes, as he stared back with an unexplainable expression.

"I, uh, have a secret." He says, sitting up. My hand slipped off his arm, as I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I think its time you should know." With that, he pulled out some sort of red fabric. He handed it to me as I started at it in utter confusion. I straighten out the mask and that's when it clicked. Spider-man? I slowly stood up from my bed as I continued to examine the mask. A gasp soon escaped my lips as the shock slightly wore off.

"You're the Spider-man?" I whisper, looking up from the mask. Peter had his head slightly lowered, his shoulders also slightly slumped as he mumbled, yes. What? Why? How? Since when? Question flew around in my head as I looked back down at the mask, not believing it.

"I've seen the things you do on Youtube. You do some many crazy thi- and that's why you're always beaten up." I mumbled sitting back down on the bed.

"Y-yeah, thats why." He stuttered. I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say anymore. I just found out Peter is Spider-man! It made sense though. It explains many things too.

"I should've told you earlier, b-but I couldn't. I, I wanted to protect you." Peter says after a while of silence.

"Protect me?" My eyebrows furrowed, as I looked at Peter, who had a sad expression.

"Yeah, you knowing who Spider-man is, can bring you danger. I-I'm so sorry, I just couldn't lie to you anymore." He said, his voice getting smaller, and smaller. He was tired. I fully turn to him and offer him a small smile.

"It's okay, Pete. You should get some rest, though." I got up, and opened up the covers on my bed.

"You're not, uh, mad, or scared or anything?" He asked, confused. I laughed at this, and he smiled as he watched me.

"Yes, I'm shocked, but you're tired." I smile to which he nods and looks away.

"You could stay here if you want." I offer. He looks back at me and smiles that smile I fell in love with.

"It's okay. I, uh, can go home." He stuttered again, and stood up walking away slowly. I watched his retreating body near the window. He suddenly stopped and turned around, with eyes closed.

"Actually, I need to, I uh have another secret." Peter stuttered again, biting his lip, nervously.

"You do?"

"I-I've, uh," He stumbled over his words, which I found so adorable.

"What is it, Peter?"

"I like you." He blurted. My eyes went wide as I repeated the words that came out of Peter's mouth, in my head.

"I like you, Y/n. Since the very first day I met you." He confessed playing with his hands. I stayed silent as I couldn't stop replaying the words in my head.

"It's okay, if you don't like me back." He said, after another while of silence. He turned around and hurriedly walked to the window. I shook my head quickly and stood up.

"No! Peter, I like you, too." I said, making him freeze as soon as he got to the window. He slowly turned around with a big smile on his face. I shyly smiled back as heat rose to my cheeks.

"Oh man. You have no idea how happy you just made me." Peter laughed. I blushed harder as he neared me with his smile never leaving his face. When he was  close enough, he wrapped his arms around me as a laugh escaped my lips. I hugged him back, enjoying the feeling of his arms around me.

Peter and I spent the rest of the night laying in bed, watching The Office.


oh gosh, i love the office. i had to throw it in there haha

i hope you liked my first imagine!

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