Crazy ❦ Tom Holland

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"It's been two days, Harrison. Two bloody days!" I exclaim as I rubbed my face with my hands, trying to hide the tears that were threatening to fall. Harrison sighs and shakes his head.

One day, Y/n and I had both gone through a bad day, and somehow it turned into a whole fight. Tears, yells, and hurt is what I had her go through. All because I didn't deny the articles of Zendaya and I. Zendaya is just a friend, and I was stupid for not telling her that at the time.

"Tom." I heard the small voice of my girlfriend. When she calls me 'Tom' I know something's wrong. I walk into the kitchen, where she was. Her eyes were glassy and her nose was red.

"What's wrong?" I question. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, but I didn't.

"Are these true?" Her voice trembled as she handed me her phone. I looked down at it, and almost groaned. She had been reading one of the articles speculating a relationship between Zendaya and I.

"Why are you reading these?" I ask when I should've told her, no. But I didn't. She broke into sobs as she shook her head.

"You shouldn't be reading these." I informed as I scrolled through the article. I found it amusing what people thought I did with my life.

She spoke but I payed no attention, when I read over something interesting. 'An inside source has said...' It caught my attention when all my attention should've been on her.

"Tom, you're not even listening to me!" She threw some cuss words at me but I hardly listened.

'If they're not hanging out, they're always texting and calling. When they're hanging out, they make sure no ones sees them together. They're good at hiding their relationship. But it's true.' The inside source said. That's not true at all, I thought.

"That's it." I finally snapped my head up when I heard her leave the kitchen into our bedroom. I wanted to follow her, but my attention was brought back to the damn article.

I was acting so stupid that day. That day, she grabbed some things and left. She left me because I was being an idiot.

I will go crazy without her.

"Have you tried calling her?" Harrison asked. We sat in Y/n and I's apartment as we thought about what to do. I shook my head and took her phone out of my pocket.

"She left it." I mumbled as I turned on her phone and smiled sadly at the lock screen. It was a picture of us. I unlocked her phone, because we know each other's passwords, and I went to her messages hoping to find her mother's number or some family member.

Then I saw a random number appear at the top. Confused, I clicked on it, and almost broke in two.

Hey, it's Zendaya.

I want you to know that tom's been cheating on you

with me

just thought you'd like to know :)

And at the bottom, was a link to an article.

I was left speechless. How could Zendaya do that to us? I checked the date of the text, and sure enough, it was the day Y/n and I had fought. I showed Harrison the texts and he too was left speechless.

"Oh my, what?" Harrison spoke, looking for the right words. I closed my eyes, knowing how bad I had messed up. And Zendaya. I still couldn't believe she'd do that. I thought she was a friend.

"I need to find her, now." I stated as I stood up and grabbed my keys.

"Where are you going, though?" Harrison asked as he handed me back her phone.

"I don't care. I'll look everywhere." I slammed the door and took the flight of stairs to the lobby.

In my car, I had found one of her sweaters. I grabbed it and held it close to my chest. Soon the tears were spilling out of my eyes.

I miss her so much. And knowing I'm the reason she left on such a horrible note, made my heart crumble more.

I was slowly losing my sanity.

I first decided to look around the streets near our home, and looked for her car. With no luck, I went to every single of her favorite spots. Restaurants, clothing stores, parks, even her favorite movie theater.

In frustration, I hit the steering wheel as I cried out. My mind raced, as I thought about her. Thinking about where she could be, with who.

I had gone crazy about her. She drove me crazy.

When a week without her rolled around, I had spent most of my days, out on the streets, looking for her.

I was ignoring everyone, except Harrison and Zendaya. I confronted her and told her what she had caused. She denied all of it. After that, I haven't spoken with her.

If I wasn't out on the streets, I was locked up in my room. Enclosed with the smell of her, and all the things she left behind. I had gone through everything, hoping to find something. But nothing.

I contacted her mother, and only ruined things further. Apparently she hadn't said anything to her parents and now they know she's missing all because of me. They chided me and all I could do was take it and apologize.

I had ran out of ideas. Out of all the question running through my mind, I could only answer one.

I had lost her. Forever.


i bet y'all were expecting a happy ending whoops sorry

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