Baby ❦ Tom Holland

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"Oh no no no." I whispered as I quickly picked up Dylan before the small wave got to him. He whined so I set him back down but I didn't let go of his hand.

Dylan was one year old and this was his first time at the beach. We were driving to my parents home. On the way, we were passing the beach and I thought why not bring him here for a little.

Dylan giggled when the water hit his little feet. Luckily Dylan liked the water. He bent down to touch the water with his hands and laughed taking his hand back out immediately. He looked up at me with the biggest smile. I smiled back and took a couple of pictures to show my parents and Tom.

Tom Holland was Dylan's father. Him and I aren't together anymore. We both decided our relationship wouldn't work out, so we broke things off. Only a couple of days later I found out that I was pregnant. I told myself, no matter what Tom wants, I'm keeping the baby. When Tom found out, he agreed to keep the baby. But that wouldn't change things between us. I was fine with it.

"Y/n? Dylan?" I heard someone yell from behind us. I held Dylan's little hand securely as he continued to play with the water.

Turning around, I saw Tom walking towards us. Behind him were his friends. Harrison, Jacob, Zendaya, Laura, and his brother Harry. While his friends set their things up, Tom came up to me and our son.

"Hi Tom." I smile. Dylan was too busy with the water to notice his father. Tom gave me a hug and looked down at Dylan.

"Hey buddy!" He lowered himself down to Dylan's height. When Dylan heard him, he turned around and ran to Tom. Tom picked him up and spun him around. Dylan giggled and wiggled in Tom's arms. Tom showered him with kisses and tickled Dylan. I smiled at them.

"Careful!" I warned when Dylan almost slipped from Tom's arms.

"How have you guys been?" Tom asked when Dylan had calmed down and was resting his head on Tom's shoulder. I found that so cute.

"Good, we were on our way to my parents house. But I wanted to stop here for a little." I explain. Tom nodded.

"I'm really sorry I can't have him for so long. It's just that with all the movie stuff-" He sighed.

"It's okay, Tom. I understand." I cut him off with a smile.

"Yeah, but it's not fair to you or him." He said sadly.

"Don't worry, seriously. If you want, you could take Dylan to your next trip or whatever. As long as Harrison and Zendaya are there." I laugh trying to lift his spirits.

"Really?" He smiled. I nodded as I watched Dylan.

He started wiggling trying to get out of Tom's arms. He wanted the water again. Tom put him down, and held his hand. When the water came to us, he bent down and felt the water with his hand. He giggled and started jumping. I smiled and looked at Tom and saw him looking at Dylan with a smile on his lips. I looked back down when I felt Dylan walk to me and held onto my legs.

"Mama!" He exclaimed with a big smile.

"Oh my gosh, he said mama!" I gasped and pick up Dylan.

"You said mama!" I kissed his cheek and hugged him. Dylan giggled and wrapped his little arms around my neck.

"Not to brag or anything, but he said 'dada' first." Tom says crossing his arms trying to be serious, but you could see the smile he was fighting against.

"Oh whatever, Tom." I laugh, and put Dylan back down.

"Maybe you could come with me to my next trip." Tom mumbled, looking at Dylan. Confused, I look at Tom.

"Me? Why?"

"Because if Dylan goes, it's probably best if you came, and because I want you there." He says and looks at me.

"I want you to be with me." He said grabbing my hand. "Again." I didn't notice how close Tom had gotten to me, but our faces were close when he said those words. Heat rose to my cheeks at this.

"I, uh." I stutter not knowing what to say. He made me nervous.

"Please be mine again." He whispered with piercing eyes. My mind screamed yes because, I still loved Tom but my mouth stayed still.

Sometimes I feel like Tom could see right through me, read me like an open book. Maybe I nodded or maybe my eyes said yes, but he lowered his face and connected his lips with mine and those familiar sparks, ignited.


babies are so cute. imagine if this was real! imagine all the cute instagram pictures ahh

i wanna do a tom's pov real bad haha

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