Happy Or Unhappy ❦ Tom Holland

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Lately, Tom and I have been drifting apart and it killed me. When we got married, I was so happy, we were so happy. I thought we were always going to be happy. But that wasn't the case. I had to understand that every relationship isn't perfect and that couples go through their obstacles. I guess these past days was our obstacle.

Everyday, Tom leaves to work, and I know he has to, but sometimes, I feel as if he prefers to be working, than being with me. He chooses his work over me. For example, when we're having a nice conversation, and he gets a call from work, he does not hesitate to answer it, interrupting our conversation.

My mother suggested that we should attend couples counseling because this problem got too much to bare, but the shame in that was too much. We decided to attend it either way, because we wanted to work this out.

After the counseling, and through the help of our friends, I felt like it helped. We spoke more, and he sacrificed his work time as much as he could to stay with me. I appreciated it, greatly.

"I got you tea." He smiles handing me a cup of tea. I took it and thanked him for the gesture. We sat down on the couch, watching television and spoke about our days.

"She actually fractured her foot, so it's not funny." I laughed as I told him the story of my best friend fracturing her foot. I opened my
mouth to tell him another funny story, but his phone rang. He looked at it, and immediately answered, ignoring me. I bit my lip and focused on the television.

When he ended his call, he turned to me but I looked away.

"Y/n, I'm sorry, but I have to go to work. They need me." He sadly told me, as he stood up, and left the room to go change. I nodded and continued watching the tv.

A while later, he walked back in, and kneeled in front of me, grabbing my arm. I looked at him, with no emotion.

"I'm really sorry that I have to go. If I had a choice, I'd stay." He said looking into my eyes. I slowly nodded, as I swallowed my words and held back my tears. He sighed, stood up, and left our home. When he left, I didn't hesitate to let some tears go free, thinking I couldn't continue with this anymore. Something clicked inside my brain, and it made sense to end this endless cycle of emotional pain.

I looked up, and noticed his phone and wallet were on the coffee table. I grabbed them, and hurried outside. Luckily, he was barely getting into his car. I yelled his name, catching his attention. I quickly wiped my tears, before he could see.

"You left these." I lightly smile as he let out a chuckle and grabbed it from me.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I give him a small hug, and pull away before he could hug back. Walking away, I heard him call my
name. He grabbed my arm, and pulled me around. Tom held my hands, giving them a comfortable squeeze. I looked at him, in slight confusion and impatiently waited for him to do something.

Tom stumbled over his words, and he shook his head, sighing.

Suddenly, he wrapped his strong arms around me. I stood there, not hugging him back. He sighed into my hair. A couple of second pass, but I still had not hugged him back. I couldn't bring myself to.

As he held me in his arms, I thought back to the day of our marriage. I remember us being so happy. Our family and friends were so happy for us. That's all I wanted now, but I couldn't seem to be that same person from a year ago.

When he realized I wasn't going to hug him back, he let the pain take him, and cried. It broke my heart, causing me to cry as well.

"I'm sorry, Tom." He pulled away and looked into my eyes, dread swimming in his beautiful brown eyes. Tom didn't disconnect our hands, and I was fine with it.

"I can't continue with- with this. Us." I revealed, my lips trembling. He closed his eyes, more tears leaving his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I really tried. I still want to try. Please, let's keep trying." He pleaded, desperation coming from his voice. I looked down at our hands, and shook my head.

"Tom, I can't." I told him, my voice cracking from my tears. He shook his head, mumbling words.

"Why?" Looking into my sad and tired eyes, he asked wanting to know why I couldn't try anymore. I broke into tears as I said the last words that destroyed our already destroyed year long marriage and three year relationship.

"I don't love you anymore."


i was first going to make this like how pam and jim were when they went through their marriage counseling but as i was writing this i decided to change the end lol

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