Elevator Part 2 ❦ Tom Holland

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"So what ever happened to the elevator guy?" My best friend asked over breakfast. I looked up from my cereal bowl and shrugged. It's been a couple days since the elevator incident. All I could think about was the embarrassing encounter.

"Haven't seen him." I truthfully told her, finishing my food. I picked up the now empty bowl and placed it in the sink.

"Lets go shopping?" I offered with a small smile. Her eyes flew open and quickly shot up from her seat.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Let me go get ready." She exclaimed and rushed to her bed room. I giggled at her reaction. I've never liked shopping and I always decline when she asked to go shopping with her.

After ten minutes of waiting, she emerged from the hallway and ran to the door. I followed the blonde with a smile. We reached the elevators, and the memories came
flooding in.

"Maybe we'll see him again." She comforted knowing well that I liked him. Thing is, I don't even know his name. The chime from the elevator, signaling that it reached us, brought me out of my trance.

"Cmon!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the elevator. We pressed the ground level button while she squealed excited.

"I haven't gone shopping in years!" She exaggerated pulling out her phone. We took some selfies with goofy smiles.

My attention was brought to the chime of the elevator. I looked at what floor we were at, and nearly fainted. The sixth floor. Thoughts were bouncing around in my head, as I wondered if that could be him.

The doors opened, and to my disappointment, a blonde man walked in. My friend looked at me excitedly, but I shook my head, telling her it wasn't him. Her face dropped and let her gaze fall on the guy.

Seconds pass, as the three of us stood there in an awkward silence.

Because the universe thinks they haven't messed with me enough, it decided to mess with me once again. The elevator made a screeching sound making my breathing come out in short and rapid bursts.

"Why does this always happen to me?" I cursed out loud while my
friend laughed at my reaction.

"Woah, this has happened to you before?" The tall blonde guy asked curiously in a thick accent reminding me of someone in particular. My friend answered for me, while I tuned them out and focused on my breathing. The familiar voice rang through my ears apologizing for the inconvenience.

I held onto the railing and my friend's arm the whole time, while she had the time of her life, talking with the stranger. The stranger kept stealing looks from me, glancing down at his phone repeatedly.

When they opened up the doors, I almost cried in joy. I ran out and bumped into a hard chest. We fell to the ground. The person fell into a fit of laugher and my breath hitched in my throat, remembering that laugh.

"Mate, that girl-" The blonde speaks up, but stops him self as he stares at the both of us, as we stared at each other. My best friend popped up beside me and quietly asked if he was the elevator guy. I nodded and looked at him.

"I'll, uh wait in the car, Y/n." She awkwardly dismissed herself and walked away. The blonde soon made up an excuse as well, and left. He looked at me with a big smile.

"I guess that lift does want you to be scared, huh." He shrugged with a big goofy smile making me smile.

"What did I ever do to that elevator?" I asked rolling my eyes. He laughed making his eyes smaller and cuter. I blushed as we continued to talk.

"I should probably go. My friend is waiting in the car." I awkwardly said shifting in my spot. He nodded and bit his lip. Tom mumbled something but I didn't catch it.

"What?" I ask leaning closer to Tom, which I learned during our short lived conversation.

"Could I have your number? You know, so we could get stuck in a lift
more often." He asked cutely. I giggled and nodded. We exchanged phone numbers with smiles. After bidding Tom a goodbye, I headed for the stairs.

When I reached the lobby, I looked around for my best friend, but instead I saw the tall blonde kissing my best friend.


i feel good, three updates in a day, wooo! (:

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