Huge, Major, Never-Ending Crush ❦ Peter Parker

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"Please work on the next questions with your partners." My algebra teacher announced to the class, but I didn't hear as I was too focused on my art. I started drawing when I was young and now, with practice, I'd like to say I'm a pretty good artist.

My partner was a boy named Peter. I've known him since grade school. We aren't so close, but we consider ourselves friends.

"Miss Y/n and Mister Parker, are you working together?" The teacher came up to me and Peter causing us to look up. Peter and I usually work on our own because we worked better by ourselves.

"Yes, sorry." I apologized and turned to Peter. He smiled and picked up his pencil.

"It's fine. I don't understand the question anyway." Peter explained nervously stumbling over his words. When we didn't understand a question, we usually wait for other students to ask for help on that question and learn from that.

Either way, I looked down at the question and wrote down the algebraic expression on my paper and started solving it. Peter watched me intently.

"Got it." I smiled and showed Peter my work. His eyebrows were furrowed as he examined my work.

As Peter looked at my work, I resumed my art work. I was drawing my mother and I when I was a little baby.

I felt Peter's eye on me, so I looked up at him with raised eyebrows. His eyes went wide and opened his mouth but no words came out at first.

"You're really good." He complimented, referring to my drawing. I smiled and turned some pages in my sketch book.

"Wanna see something cool?" I ask, as I continue to flip some pages. Peter nodded with a small smile. When I reached the page, I handed Peter my book. He inspected the colored drawing I made of Spider-man with a smile.

"You remember-" I was cut off by Peter as he handed me back my book.

"That you have a huge, major, never-ending crush on Spider-man? Yeah, I remember." He laughed, his face flushing. I rolled my eyes, closing my sketch book.

"Now, you're remembering wrong. I don't have a 'huge, major, never-ending crush.' Just a crush." I giggled looking into Peter's brown eyes. His expression slightly changing causing my eyebrows to frown and my head tilt.

"What's up?" I asked, all my attention on Peter.

"N-nothing. We should work on the next problem." He stuttered with, once again, a flushed face. I didn't think much about it and shook my head with a smile.

"All right, but this time, you're going to do the work." I laughed, writing down the long algebra equation on my paper. I smiled when I heard Peter's laugh.


i had trouble with the title for this imagine lol

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