Elevator ❦ Tom Holland

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After a tiring ten hours, my friend and I landed in London. Ever since we were little girls, we dreamed of coming to London. Now, after finishing college, and gathering enough money, we decided to travel here. We are going to stay for a couple of weeks.

"I'm hungry." I said when we entered our hotel room. We set down our things and sat on one of the beds.

"Me too." My best friend agreed.

"There's a vending machine on the first floor." She suggested, grabbing her phone. "I'm going to call my mom and tell her we made it to our hotel room." She added with a small mischievous smile.

"Wow, you're using your mom as an excuse to not go down stairs. You're that lazy?" I asked teasingly as she laughed and put her phone to her ear.

"Get me Hot Cheetos and any sour candy. You're the best!" She waved as I exited the room.

"Alright, but next time, you're going!" I yelled back with a laugh.

Leaving the room, my laughter died down when I reached the elevator. Pressing the bottom once, I patiently waited for the elevator to reach me.

Once it did, I let the people who were on it, exit before I entered. The doors closed in front of me as I pressed to first floor button. I looked around the elevator walls, hating the feeling elevators gave me.

When we reached the sixth floor, the elevator came to a stop, and opened up its doors. On the other side stood an attractive guy. He looked up from his phone and nodded towards me with a small smile, acknowledging me. He walked in and pressed the same button I pressed. I took my phone out and opened up the messages between my best friend and I.

me: omg there's a very good looking person in the elevator w me

bestie: seriously? why do you get all the hot guys tf

me: huh?

bestie: whatever, you gotta talk w him!

me: no way, i can't do that

bestie: omg cmon you won't regret it. oh, and could you take a picture? ;) i wanna see

me: no, that's weird! tf

After a while, my texts stopped sending, because of the horrible reception. I put my phone away and leaned against the elevator railing. I peeked at the guy and caught him staring as well.

Suddenly, the elevator made a screeching sound causing my heart to sink. My fear of elevators immediately kicked in. When the same sound repeated itself, a small squeak left my mouth. My eyes darted all over the small container. The guy looked at me, with worry and slight confusion.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a thick british accent. I went to reply with a no, but the elevator came to a loud hault. I covered my ears and shut my eyes.

When I was younger, and was inside an elevator, I would hug my mom or dad to feel safer. So, that's what I did, expect with the guy. I didn't have time to be embarrassed and I wasn't thinking straight either, so I hugged him tightly.

"Oh my God, I'm going to die, I'm going to die." I kept repeating, shaking my head.

"Woah, it's okay." He awkwardly wrapped his arm around me and pressed a button.

"I knew I was gong to die like this." I mumbled, my eyes still screwed shut. I felt the guy laugh as he continued to work on the buttons.

"It's going to be okay." He giggled. I opened my eyes and glared at him.

When nothing happened for a while, I decided to unwrap my arms from him. Embarrassment settling in. I bit my lip, and backed up to the back wall, holding on the rail. He looked at me with a glint in his eyes.

"Judging by your face, you have a tiny fear of lifts, huh?" He teased as a smirk played at his lips. I nodded and couldn't help the blood that rushed to my face.

"What did this lift ever do to you?" He exclaimed with a laugh that I found so entertaining. His brown eyes held such amusement which also caused me to enjoy myself in this situation.

"They did nothing, I just watch to many movies." I revealed with a small smile, fear slowly fading away.

"This elevator doesn't want to scare you." He smirked crossing his arms and leaned against the wall.

"How do you know?" I threw back mirroring his smirk. We kept throwing snappy remarks at each other, my shyness and awkwardness going away.

I was cut off from my sentence when we heard a voice ring through the speaker installed in the elevator.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. We're fixing the lift as we speak. You'll be out of there in a couple of minutes. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience." A man's voice apologized but it left me with a confused face. I pulled out my phone and looked up 'lift.'

"What happened?" The guy asked me as he noticed my confusion. I looked up at my phone and slightly blushed.

"What's a lift?" This caused him to laugh out loud, holding his stomach as tears left his eyes. He knew he had to keep in touch with this rather interesting and entertaining girl.


this one was ehh

interesting fact (i guess) : i am completely afraid of elevators. they're out for me, man

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