Meeting the sister

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Mikey's POV.

What Mikey says in bold.

Bryce and I had just started dating a couple of weeks back, and just became boyfriends a couple of days ago. But we had been best friends for ages before that.

Today we're going to hang out and just relax.

It wasn't that we were hiding the fact that we're dating.... but we didn't make a public announcement.

He told me to go to his house whenever, as he was at the gym. He told me that his sister was at his house visiting.

I knocked on the door, I stood there on my phone just uploading a picture of me and Bryce.

A tall brunette opened the door.

"Hey, you must be Mikey. My brother's friend?" She said while looking pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah....kinda. He told me to wait for him here." I said unsure why she was smiling at me so much.

"Oohh, sorry come in. I'm Maggie"

I sat down and she asked me if I wanted a drink and I kindly declined.

She was cute and did really looked like Bryce.

She sat down a bit too close if you know what I mean.

We started talking about random things. She asked me questions that made me think that she had no idea that I was dating her brother.

"Should I put on some music?"

"Yeah..., sure why not?

She put on some slow romantic music that made me really uncomfortable.

She sat down closer than before. She started talking and for some time it just went on like that.

I felt like she was hitting on me. But surely she knew that me and Bryce... my thoughts were interpreted when I got a text from Bryce.

(B- Bryce     M- Mikey)

B- Babe will back in 10 ❤️
M- Okay see you soon ❤️

Maggie asked me who it was and I said Bryce will be back in ten.

She took my phone and threw it on the couch.

"Than we'll have to make the best of our alone time"


She stood up and walked away and I just sat there utterly confused. I really felt like she was flirting with me.

When she came back, a few minutes later, she was only wearing underwear and a bra.

Now I was sure that she had been flirting and that my friendliness had been taken the wrong way.

She tried to straddle me, but I got up as fast as I could and backed away. Trying to get as much space between us as possible.

I baked all the way to the wall.

"What's wrong baby? Don't you want this? Don't you want me?"

"No, don't you know? Is this Bryce testing me?"

"Why would Bryce be testing you? Don't think about my brother."

She said all this while she got closer and closer. She was walking slowly and confidently.

I knew that Bryce would be back at any moment and I wished that he would hurry up.

I practically screamed,
"Please get away from me, you know that I would never cheat"

At this point, I was nearly crying.

She stopped dead. And I heard it to someone had just opened the front door.

Bryce's POV.
As I pulled up outside my house I couldn't help but think of Mikey and how he was waiting for me. I had said that I would be ten minutes but it had taken slightly longer, due to roadworks.

As I was walking up to the door I heard Mikey scream,
"Please get away from me, you know I would  never cheat."

I got really confused and opens the door and saw Mikey and my sister.

Mikey was backed up to the wall. He looked like he was about to cry. But happy and relieved to see me.

Maggie was standing in front of him only wearing underwear and a bra.

I was really confused but saw immediately that it had been my sister who had been the one to start this whole thing. I mean why would Mikey he is gay, looked really uncomfortable and I know he would never cheat.

"I didn't, please, believe me, Bryce. I would never cheat. Please..."

He looked like he was closer than ever to crying, so I went over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I know babe it's okay, I know you wouldn't, and l also know you wouldn't be so stupid that you would do it with my sister!" I said sarcastically while also trying to make sure he knew that it wasn't his fault.

Then I kissed his forehead.

My sister had gotten a bathrobe of one the armchairs to cover herself up.

She looked confused.

I should be mad but that's my sister. So after I made sure that Mikey was okay. I went over to her and said,

"Sorry, I didn't know..."

"You should apologise," I said to my sister.

"I am sorry Mikey, I didn't know that you and my brother...., eh, I am sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable and I was reading your politeness as something it wasn't. For all of that I am deeply sorry. And for you and Bryce I am happy."

"It is okay," Mikey said as he smiled weakly.

Maggie looked uncomfortable and left us.

I walked back to Mikey and gave him a soft kiss. As I was hugging him I heard him saying,
"I love you"

I looked down at him and said,
"I love you too"
Authors note

Thank you for reading. ❤️❤️❤️
I will update when I want to.
Leave suggestions in the comments. Can't write stories for them all.
Leave constructive criticism, please.
Hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 942

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