The double-date

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Finally some Jylan.
Mikey's POV.
Later today we are going to have double-date with Jackson and Dylan.

They are actually why we are in a relationship, the first time we kissed was at Jackson's house.

Sarah is over at her friends house for a sleepover so we don't have to worry about her.

Bryce said he would take a shower and 20 minutes later he walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist and water going down his abs.

Fùck he is so hot. With wet hair sticking to his face. Holy shìt, I was slowly getting hard.

Bryce noticed and smirked at me.

"Like what you see?"

I stood up, realising that I too shirtless.

"Yea, I don't think you need that towel though..."

I pull it of him with a smirk.
(you can imagine what happens next
_________time skip_________

Still Mikey's POV.
We sat down at the restaurant and waited for Jackson and Dylan. A sweet looking girl with blond hair and blue eyes around our age handed us menus and then placed two more down on the table. She smiled at us and then left.

"Hey guys!" I hear a voice saying behind us.

It was Dylan and Jackson.

"Hey Jylan!" Bryce and I say in unison.

Bryce and I looked at each other and laughed. They sat down and we all looked through the menu for a moment.

When the waitress came back she was eyeing Bryce a bit too much for my taste, but I mean what was she gonna do?

We all spoke at the same time,
"I'll have the steak with roast potatoes and a sparkling water."

We all looked at each other laughed, even the waitress giggled but her eyes were still on Bryce.

"So that is 4 steaks with 4 sparkling waters?"

"Yeah." Bryce said totally unaware of the girls eyes on him.

We all handed her our menus and she left.

"God, she was checking you out Bryce!" I said smirking.

"No she wasn't!" He said obviously not aware that she was still looking at him.

"She was kinda cute, you should ask her out." I said still smirking.

He knows I'm 100% gay so I can say girls are cute.

"Shut up Barone." He said, laughing and looking slightly annoyed.

"OMG when you two get married can I be the best man?" I said pretending to be excited.

"I love you but sometimes you are annoying as hell!" He said trying to look serious.

"Aw, I love you too." Pretending that I didn't hear the last part.

Dylan and Jackson were dying laughing on the other side of the table.

She came back soon after with our drinks. She was still eyeing Bryce a bit too much, while only sparing a glance for the rest of us.

We thanked her and she left with a wink at Bryce.

"Babe I told you, she is so flirting." I said to Bryce.

He put his head on the table and groaned,

Jackson, Dylan and I start laughing. This happened a bit too often and also before we were dating. And back the it killed me. Now I just found it hilarious.

We all talked for a while. Until the waitress came with our food. I was holding Bryce's handwhen she came back, but she didn't seem to notice. She first gave Bryce and Jackson their food them came back with Dylan's and mine.

We smiled at her and when she walked away we started eating. It was really delicious.

We finished eating and the blond took our plates away,
"Would you like the desert menu?"

We all looked at each other and it looked like a yes from Jylan.

"Yes please," Bryce said.

The girl nodded and left with our plates. We started talking again. She arrived with the dessert menus. There was a large variety of options. So we thanked her and looked through the menu.

In the end Dylan chose crème brûlée, Jackson and I chose chocolate mousse, and Bryce decided on a chocolate fondant.

We ate our desserts in peace until the girl came and placed a napkin next to Bryce, without saying a word she left. We all looked at each other, trying no to laugh as Bryce open the folded napkin.

"Hey cutie," he decided to read it out loud. "Call me some time #####, if you want to have some fun."

He grabbed my hand as we all laughed hysterically, we got a few odd looks I might add. We weren't done laughing when she came to collect our plates.

"Hey, can we have the bill please?" Dylan asked trying desperately not to laugh.

Sorry I said I would add Jylan, but I never finished this chapter. When I tried today I just had nothing so I added some details but idk. Sorry if it feels incomplete. I tried for weeks then I just stopped writing on this book.

Sorry that there were no updates. This will probably be the last update on this book sorry.

Currently I'm working on a Randy one shot book so that should arrive soon.
And I might upload my four part one shot Brikey book. Should I?


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