Bae's clothes

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Bryce's POV.
Mikey was sleeping on me. He was so cute I really didn't want to wake him up. He was only wearing a pair of sweatpants. I could feel him being cold, but to get him something more to wear would mean getting up from under him and probably waking him up.

But then I saw it! My hoodie that I had thrown of during the night, lying next to me.

I slowly loosened my grip on Mikey and grabbing the hoodie. I slowly sat up, with Mikey still leaning on my chest. I put his head through the hoodie and carefully tried to bring his arms into the sleeves without waking him up.

But of course, he did.

"Mm..." He said while slowly waking up.

"Morning baby, you were shivering in your sleep so I just thought you'd like my hoodie." I saw quality not wanting to be too loud since he just woke up.

"Ahh, thank you so much."

He then let me finish putting the hoodie on him.

We were in bed and it was around 8.00 on a Saturday. We were both sitting up but he was straddling me since I had only lifted our upper bodies up when putting the hoodie on him.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask him laying back down.

"I don't know, cuddle?" He said while laying back down on me, exactly like we had been when we were sleeping.

I heard a knock on his bedroom door. It was probably just Sarah since we were at his house.

He didn't get up he just yelled,
"Sarah? Come in!"

It was Sarah she walked in slowly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I had a bad dream."

Mikey sat up and got off me. He pulled her into a tight hug.

"Ah, don't worry. What was the dream about?"

He asked holding her to make comfortable.

"Mean monster killing Bryce."

This is where I pulled her out of Mikey's grip and into a hug.

"Don't worry, there are ni her back.

"Thank you, Bryce."

"Don't worry about it, Sarah."
We had gone out and öpp ice cream. And when we were walking back home to Mikey, Sarah insisted on holding both of our hands.

I looked over at Mikey and realised that he was only wearing my clothes. Which made him look cute af.

He looked back at me and smiled. I leaned over Sarah and kissed him on the cheek.

When we got back, Sarah went to watch some TV. We had nothing else to do, so we joined her.

We all sat on the couch.  Sarah on one side and Mikey and I on the other side. He was sitting in my lap leaning on the armrest. I almost fell asleep.

I am so happy, so in love and so grateful. 
Thank you for reading.
Any requests?
Love you all!

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