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(A few days after the previous chapter)

Things Mikey say in bold

Mikey's POV.

I was truly happy with Bryce. I had had it hard growing up, due to my parents drinking. I had always had to take care of Sarah. Which I don't mind doing because I love her. But still, it was a lot when she was a newborn to take care of her when I was just thirteen. But with Bryce, all of that just went away.

Today was her first day of school and I was to drop off my sister and then go pick up Bryce, we don't want to go to college (I don't think you should actually do that just for the sake of the story). So we might go live since we haven't in a while.

I got dressed, black jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

"Hey, Sarah when do you start?"
I yelled to Sarah who was upstairs.

"At 8.30," she said.

It was 8.00 and it only took ten minutes with the car so I said,
"Okay let's go in ten minutes"

"Yeah, sure."

She was about to start 1st grade so I would have to stand in for our parents because no doubt they would have a huge hangover. I would just lie and say they were working early.

When my mother was pregnant with Sarah was the period of our life's where neither of my parents drank. I just wish they just wouldn't have started again.
Time jump: In the car
Out loud- by Gabbie Hanna came on and we both started singing loudly.

"Hey, Sarah. Maybe don't talk about our parents. If someone asks then just say they work a lot. And you can't take any friends home if I haven't talked to their parents before. Okay?"


It broke my heart to have to say all that to her. I love her so much and I just want her to have good friends.

When we finally got there it was 8.25. I took Sarah's hand and we walked over to where the other kids and parents. I gave her her backpack and smiled.

What had she done to deserve parents that couldn't care less about their children?

An older lady walked out from the school building. She looked kind.

"Good morning to all the first graders and your parents. I am Mrs Goodman. And I will be your teacher in English and Science. I hope you all had a good summer. Now let's go inside. We will also need your parents to follow
Mr Write for information." She said with a British accent.

I looked down at Sarah and said,
"Good luck. I'll come pick you up at 14.30. I love you."

"I love you too," she said smiling and following the other children inside.

I turn and followed the parents to the reception which MR. Write was leading us all to.

He handed out papers with schedules and phone numbers to the school and other information. He stopped at me and said,
"Aren't you a bit young to be a dad?"

"I am just her big brother"

"But we need a parents or guardian who is legally responsible for the child."

"I might not be legally responsible, but I am the only one who loves and cares about her enough to make sure she comes to school. " I said all this while keeping steady eye contact with him.

"Very well then..."

He continued handing out the papers. I had spoken without thinking, what would happen?

He started talking about the rules and conditions that we and the students had to sign. I made sure to pay close attention because I wanted to understand, for Sarah.

Sarah wouldn't have to worry because I would do anything for her. She is the reasons that I didn't go to college. She needed someone to take care of her.

When he finally stopped talking he said that the students would be done at 14.30 and we should come get them at that time.
Time jump: getting Bryce

I honked the horn outside his house so he would come outside to the car. We were going to watch Wonder-woman at the cinema(I know it came out like forever ago but I love it so much)

He came outside. He was wearing black jeans and a white hoodie. He smiled at me as he got in the car and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"So did it go okay with Sarah and the school?" He asked.

The great thing about Bryce is that I knew he genuinely cared about Sarah and didn't just ask to be polite.

"It was fine I guess."

He smiled and said,
"That is good"

We sat in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. He knew I needed to think and he respected that.

After a while, he interlaced our fingers. I smiled at him.

We weren't the extremely cute and over the top couple. But when it was needed we were there for each other.

"I need to get Sarah at 14.30," I said as I changed lanes.

"Okay, the movie ends at 12.50 so we could get lunch after and then get her."
He suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds great."
Hope you enjoyed!
Leave suggestions in the comments.

Word count: 883

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