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Bryce's POV.
Sarah and Mikey were at my house for the night. Sarah had just fallen asleep, after doing her homework (she was in the second grade now).

Mikey and I were just watching a movie in my room. I was bored by the movie so I decided to tease him a bit. So I put my hand on his thigh, he did nothing he just continued watching the movie. So I slowly started moving my hand higher up his leg.

He turned around and with a smile he said,

I take my hand fron his thigh and push him so he is laying down on his back,
"Oh shut up you love me!"

I lay down on top of him and he put his arms around me,
"You're right I do love you." he said "I don't know why, you are annoying."

"Hey!" I complain in a played hurt voice.

"Aw baby hurt." he said kissing the top of my head.

Then ofcource my phone called. I just took it out of my pocket and lay my head on Mikey's chest. The screen said "mom". I answerd after showing Mikey the screen.

B- hey mom!
L(Liza, Bryce's mom)- hey, just calling to see how you are.
B- it's ten o'clock mom
L- yeayea
B- I'm good mom. How are you and dad.
L- we're fine honey. How's Mikey?

I put her on speaker.

B- Mikey mom is wondering how you are.
M- I'm good Liza. Ate you guys good?
L- we're fine. We were wondering if you guys would come for lunch tomorrow?

Mikey and I look at each other, Mikey nods.

B- yeah mom, can sarah come?

Mikey looks thankfully at me, the quickly kisses me on the forehead.

L- yes that would be lovley I haven't seen her in ages.
B- okay, bye mom see you tomorrow.
L- bye guys!
M- bye Liza.

I end the call and put my phone away.

Mikey and I stay like that untill the movie ends. At this point I am half asleep and I just don't get up.

So after a cupple of minutes like that Mikey carefully lifts me of him and then carry me to my/our bed.

He puts me down in the bed then joins me after taking of his shirt. We wake up in the exat same position as we fell asleep in, in each other's arms.
Thank you for reading, sorry it was so short. But I have not been able to write on my phone(due to messed up keyboard) or over the christmas break(due to lack of wifi).

But thank you for all the suggestions, votes and reads. I am so greatfull for all of you.

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