Somebody that I used to know

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Things Mikey says in bold.

Mikey's POV.

It had been a few days since the whole thing with Maggie.

It felt a bit strange seeing her. But it must be worse for Bryce.

We had decided to go to the mall today. Just to relax in each other's company and get our minds off things.

After we sat down in the uber that was going to take us to the mall, I got a text from unknown number saying,

Unknown (U) to Mikey
U- I know your secret.

I frowned at my phone, Bryce saw and raised his eyebrow at me as to say, what? I simply handed him my phone so he could see for himself. His reaction was the same as mine.

As we got out of the uber Bryce grabbed my hand. I just smiled down at our interlaced fingers.

We walked into the mall and went to a few shops and neither of us found anything we really liked so we went to the food court.

"Babe, what do you want?"

There wasn't really any normal fast food places, just Thai, sushi, burgers and kebab.

"I'll just have what you're having," I said.

So we choose the hamburger place and as we were walking to the line for the hamburgers I saw a girl staring at us, she made me feel uncomfortable.

We gave our orders and we both went to pay, but he beat me to it.

It made me feel really good when he took care of me, just the small gestures.

We sat down and started eating. Once again I saw the girl who had stared at us earlier. She was walking over to us.

There was something familiar about her.

When she finally stopped in front of us I realised that it was Bryce's ex-girlfriend.

"Hey, Bryce!" She said while looking right at me.

I decided that I would play it cool and sweet. So I said,
"Hey Vanessa, right? It is Vanessa?" I said smiling sweetly at her.

She fake-smiled back.

"So what are you guys doing here?" She asked directing her question to Bryce.

I leaned back in my chair and raised my eyebrows at Bryce. He looked really uncomfortable.

I loved this because it was putting Bryce on the spot and I could just lean back and laugh.

"Eating, I guess," he said coldly to her. Not smiling the least.

Now I remember why they broke up because she cheated on him.

We were sitting across from each other. So I just looked at him sending words of comfort to him with my eyes.

He smiled at me and when Vanessa opened her mouth but Bryce said,
"I'm going to the bathroom babe, be right back." He looked at me when he said all of it.

I just said,
"Ok babe!"

I looked up at Vanessa and smiled. Then she sat down next to me. And asked,
"Are you two dating?"

I smiled at her and said,
"Yes", then I got up and threw away the plates and cups and walked away.

I meet Bryce outside the bathroom and said,
"You wanna go home?"

He smiled and nodded. Then he gave me a quick peck on my lips and then we walked out of the mall.
Time jump: the evening after dinner
Still Mikey's POV.

We were laying in my bed, just cuddling. My bed is huge but I still ended up on his chest.

My parents knew and accepted us. His parents didn't know and would freak out if the found out.

(I don't know anything about his parents they are probably great people, but in this story, they aren't)

Both my parents have a "slight" drinking problem. So I took care of Sarah a lot.

My little sister, Sarah(idk I made it up), came in and sat on my bed. I wasn't surprised, she did this quite often. She didn't like being around our parents when they were drunk.

I sat up and looked over at her. She had a small bruise on her arm.

"What is that Sarah?" I pointed at the bruise.

All she did was shake her head and say,

I hugged her tightly and the got up and locked the door to my room.

I told Sarah that she could sleep in my room and then I gave her one of my
t-shirts that she could sleep in.

Bryce had fallen asleep. So I took Sarah in my arms. And I waited for her to fall asleep.

When she finally had fallen asleep I took the covers and tucked her in. Then I went to sleep between Sarah and Bryce.
Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave suggestions in the comments.


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