The fight

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Things MIKEY say in Bold

Bryce's POV.

At Mikey's house.

I heard a scream from downstairs. I got up and left the snoring Mikey.

When I saw who had mad the scream of fear and pain I understood everything. How much pain both Mikey and his sister must feel every day.

I saw Mikey mother, Anna, standing over Sarah with her fist ready to punch. Sarah was on the floor crying silently. She also had a bruise on her left cheek(face).

"Nooo!!!!!" I screamed at Anna.

She barely looked up, she was so wasted and could barely stand up.

I ran and stood between them and when Anna trough another punch I caught it and pushed her down.

I got Sarah in my arms and carried her upstairs. I looked Mikey's door and walked to Mikey's bathroom.

I cleaned her face off, she was still crying so I hugged her rubbing her back.

"Hey everything is gonna be alright we'll stay in here and then Mikey and I will drop you off at school."

I looked down at her an realised how strong she was, she had suffered all her life. And Mikey had also suffered equally but he still never let it get to him. He took care of her during all of it.

I picked her up again and later her down next to Mikey.

I was going to talk to him about this an what we should do but he looked so calm and cute so I let him sleep.

I got up and was about to go downstairs to see what had happened after we left. But then I heard Sarah say,

"Yes, Sarah?"

"Could you stay until I fall asleep?"

"Of course I can," I turned off all the lights. Then I sat down next to her. She fell asleep a couple of minutes later.
The morning
Bryce's POV.

I gently woke Mikey up by kissing his lips gently.

I hadn't slept all night I had been thinking.

He smiled and went in for a more passionate kiss but I pulled back pointing at Sarah, who was sleeping next to him.

When he saw her he looked worried. He knew she only came to sleep in his room when their parents had been drinking.

We got up and I said,
"Hey, can we talk?"

He looked slightly worried.

"No, I am not breaking up with you," I said to reassure him.


I told him everything that had happened last night. Then I took a deep breath and said,
"I think you and your sister should either move or call the authorities"

"I can't believe it. She hardly notices Sarah it has mostly been me..., but I agree, I should have done it a long time ago.."
Mikey's POV.

I knew he was right. I had to think about Sarah. I could get custody of her, but would that really be the best thing for her?

I looked at her, she was still sleeping. I loved her and I knew that I needed to save her for the sorry excuse for parents we had.

She then put out her arm like she was trying to reach something she started fidgeting and looking worried and helpless. I immediately ran back to her and took her hand. She calmed down and I saw that she was awake.

She hugged me and I asked,
"Are you okay?"

"Not really," she said into my chest.

At this, I hugged her tighter.

We got up and got dressed. I always kept extra clothes for her in my room for days like these.

I told them to wait as I went downstairs to see if everything was okay.

Mom and dad were past out on the couch.
Time jump:in the car
Mikey's POV.

In the car, I was driving with Bryce in the front and Sarah in the back.

I felt a little bit anxious about later, me and Bryce had decided to call the police when Sarah was safe at school.

Bryce noticed and interlaced our fingers. Sarah noticed and asked,
"Are you two together?"

I looked at her in the mirror smiled and then said,
"Yes, Bryce is my boyfriend."

Sarah understood and I don't think she cared too much.

Bryce lifted our intertwined hands and kissed mine. I smiled and stopped the car at the school.

"Do you want us to come along, you start in five minutes?"

"No it's fine, I can see Melissa."

I twisted in my seat and gave her a hug and a kiss on her forehead. Bryce gave her a fist-bump.

She got out and ran to one of her friends.

I turned to Bryce and pulled him by his shirt and kissed him slowly.
Hope you enjoyed! Leave suggestions in the comments!

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