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Mikey's POV.
Neither Bryce or I had gone live on younow in forever, so after dropping Sarah off at school we went live. There were a lot of people watching.

We talked and said due to personal reasons we had not been active on social media lately, the last month.

After talking and answering questions I said,
"Let's play a game. But what game?"

All the comments said 'truth or dare' or '7 minutes in haven' but we chose to ignore the latter.

"Okay, truth or dare, Bryce?"


I closed my eyes and chose a random one on the screen.

'Would you ever dump a girl because of looks?'

I read it aloud and then turned to Bryce.

"No. Attraction is important, but when you are in love that stuff doesn't really matter."

I looked into his eyes than to his lips, but my fantasies were interrupted by Bryce saying,
"Truth or dare?"


"Are you single?"

I gave him a look as to say 'why that one?'.

"I am taken, sorry."

I said it like Bryce had been hitting on me. So we both started laughing like crazy.

"Okay next. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to..." when I looked at the screen all of them were 'kiss' or, just one, 'tweet Mikey is daddy'. "Tweet: Mikey is daddy."


Then he did and he left it up so no doubt 'messy Monday' would be all over it.

I was unsure what to do so I said,
"I'm gonna mute for a sec guys."

Bryce looked a bit confused, I muted and then I tilted the screen down so they couldn't see us.

"Do you want to tell the fans that we are a couple?"

"All I know is that I love you and that I want to be with you. But also that my parents will murder me."

I laugh and sat down in his lap and said,
"Well, I love you too."

Then I slowly kissed him. When we broke apart he said,
"How long have we muted the broadcast?"

"Oh my god...let's get back to it before we eat lunch."


I quickly pecked his lips and got of his lap. We continued the broadcast and we played 'the 7 seconds challenge'.
Thank you @itslidiatho for voting on so many of the chapters! If you have a request, @itslidiatho please comment.
I will add some Jylan, but in a couple of chapters, because I write these a head of time.
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed. Please leave suggestions in the comments.

"No one else" A Brikey AUWhere stories live. Discover now