The friendship anniversary

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Mikey's POV.
Today was the one year anniversary of the day that Bryce and I meet. We basically saw each other every day.

So I decided to text him, even though we saw each other yesterday.

M- Hey!
B- Hey, what's up?

I saw the hidden meaning behind the 'what's up'. He was always worried about me, like no ever had before.

M- I'm fine, it is just that it is our 1 year anniversary of meeting.
B- Aww
M- What?
B- It is just really cute that you remember stuff like that.
M- Ok. Do you wanna hang out today?
B- Sure, where and when?
M- Idk, you decide
B- How about the Starbucks where we met? In 1 hour?
M- Great, see ya then!
M- can I bring Sarah?
B- Absolutely!❤️

God just by texting him I blush. He was the one person besides Sarah I felt like I could truly trust.
At the coffee shop, still Mikey's POV.
Sarah and I sat down, I sat down next to Bryce and Sarah across from us.

"Hey, Mikey! Hi sweetheart!"

I knew the last part was aimed at Sarah but still, my heart stopped. During the year my feelings had grown immensely.

"Hey B! How are you?"

"Good thanks. How are you guys?"

"Good, but I want some hot chocolate," Sarah complained.

"I'll get us stuff, what do you wanna Mikey?"

"Nah it's fine, what do you want?"

"The same as you. Thank you."

I went over to the counter, there was no queue.

"Hey sweet cheeks, what would you like?"

She looked me up and down, this made me very uncomfortable.

I had learnt resonantly that I was gay. I had never really been attracted by girls and always been more into guys.

"Can I have three hot chocolates?"

"Of course, do you have a name?"


"That is so cute." She winked at me.

She got busy making the drinks. Then handed me the drinks.


"Hey call me some time?" She said flirtatiously.

"Um sorry, I'm gay."
Bryce's POV.
"Sorry, I'm gay."

I had been listening to her flirting with Mikey and I hated it.

Yes, I did like Mikey. But I always thought he was straight.

He came back with the drinks.

"Here I got us all the same."

"Thanks, babe!" I say.

Oh, shoot it just slipped out.

He just smiled. Thank the lord.

"Thanks, Mikey."
Sarah says and starts to drink her hot chocolate.

"You're welcome."

He took a picture of his drink. Making sure he didn't get her number in the picture and put it out on his story.

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