Meeting the parents

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I have no knowledge about either of Bryce or Mikey's parents. But in this story, they aren't that nice (you will soon find out more)but I'm sure they are in real life.
What Mikey says in bold.
Mikey's POV.
We had gone up to the door, hand in hand. But I let his hand go, I knew his parents would throw a fit if they saw. He pouted and then rang the doorbell.

This mother, Liza (idk, made it up), opened the door.
"Mikey." She exclaimed and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Liza! How are you?"

I was still really nervous but Liza had always been nice to me. I had called her Mrs Hall until she told me sternly told me to not, she didn't really like the formalities of Mr, Mrs and Ms.

"I am great honey. How are you?"

"I am good thanks."

"Come in, come in."

She hugged Bryce as we walked in. Then Bryce's dad, Ted(idk made it up), came in. The was quite short in contrast to his taller wife.

"Hello, Mikey. How are you?"

"Well, thank you. How are you?"

"Great. I haven't seen my son in a week though. He said he had been with you and some girl. His girlfriend?"

I looked over at Bryce slightly stunned. Was he cheating on me? But he had been with me and Sarah all week.

"Dad I said I had with Mikey and Sarah. Mikey's seven-year-old sister." He explained making sure I understood. "So no, she is not my girlfriend."

I sighed silently and smiled at Bryce. I knew he would never. And I also knew his parents would have to find sooner or later because he was my ride or die.

We talked for some time and then we went into the dining room. We sat down me and Bryce sat across from each other.

Bryce poured up a glass of water and handed it to me.
"Thanks, ba-Bryce."

I nearly slipped and said "babe" thankfully neither of his parents seemed to notice.

The only reason that we haven't told our fans that we are dating is that if they found out, so would his parents.

We started eating and everything was going fine until,
"Do either of you have girlfriends?"

I choked on my food and took a couple of great gulps of water.
"Umm... no," Bryce said and looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

I could hear the rain starting to fall outside. I had never liked rain and especially not thunder. I had always connected bad weather and my parents drinking. A lot of the times he beat me until I was unconscious, was when the thunder was the loudest.

I hated the rain for it reminded me of being alone and scared of them.

I shuddered slightly and Bryce noticed. He raised an eyebrow, silently asking 'are you okay?'. I answered with a nod towards the window. He nodded and I could feel his leg entangle itself with mine.

"No one else" A Brikey AUWhere stories live. Discover now