The phone call

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What Mikey says in bold.
Mikey's POV.
Bryce and I had been working on all the papers and were finally done. So we were going to reward ourselves with a nice lunch.

We were just about to leave my house when Bryce's parents called. Bryce being too lazy to actually hold his phone put them on speaker.

"Hey, mom!"

"Hey, honey. How are you? We haven't seen you for a couple of days."

"Oh. I'm fine mom. I've been with Mikey."

"Okay, you two aren't in trouble I hope?"

He rolled his eyes at this.

"No mom we are fine. We have just been hanging out and I have just been too lazy to drive home."

"Okay, that is fine. Your dad and I were just hoping you could come over for lunch today."

"Oh...I would but Mikey and I were just about to go out to lunch."

"But why don't you bring him to? We haven't seen him for months."

He looked at me and I nodded. He then said to his mom,
"Sure we'll be there in thirty minutes."

They said goodbye and then hanged up.

"Well, now we have a problem."


"They don't know we're dating and would kill me if they did."


Now my brain was going insane. What if they break us up? What if they would stop talking to him? Or make him stop taking to me?

"Can't we just pretend we are only friends for one and a half hour?"

I said because I didn't want either of us to be hurt.

"Yeah, I guess. But I will really hate it."

I smiled and gave him a sweet kiss.

"Okay babe, let's go."

Before I could turn around though he said,
"If I am going more than one hour without being close to you I need to kiss you again."

I smiled as he pulled me into a more passionate kiss.
Thank you so much for reading.
Hope you enjoyed leave suggestions in the comments. PLEASE!!!!

Love and believe in yourself.

"No one else" A Brikey AUWhere stories live. Discover now