Truth or dare?

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Imagine that it had gone around 2 weeks since they met at Starbucks.

Mikey's POV.
They were yelling and fighting. They were out of their minds. So I did what I guess was the best choice of my life. I took my phone, wallet and Sarah, then I ran outside.

We walked into town but all the shops and cafes were closed, probably because of how late it was. I got a crazy idea. Maybe I should call that guy Bryce. I mean he was the closest thing I had to a friend here.

It was late and I couldn't leave Sarah here she was really scared of the dark. So I did it I called him.

"Hey, this is Bryce."

"Um hello. This is Mikey the guy you met at Starbucks." I froze a bit.

"Oh hey! I would have called to hang out but I didn't have your number. What's up?"

"I was just wondering if I could come over? My parents...they started fighting and I got worried for Sarah so I took her and ran..."

"Oh I'm sorry that is terrible. Yea sure, but just so you know I have some friends over. Jackson, Dylan and Nick. But didn't worry their chill. Do you want me to come pick you up where we met?"

He babbled on, I couldn't believe it. This guy is so sweet. I wish he would like me as more than a friend...

"Yes, that would be awesome. Thank you, you are a lifesaver."

"Okay! See you in ten?"

"That's perfect thank you!"



"See you in ten!"

"Yeah bye!"

I laughed and then hung up.

"Hey, Sarah do remember that guy we met at Starbucks?"

"Umhum. Bryce?"

"Yes, we're going to his house, for the night."

"Okay." She said cheerfully but she looked really tired.

I mean how would you expect a 5-year-old, at 9.30 in the evening to feel?

"Get on my back, I'll carry you."

She nodded, got on a bench and wrapped her arms around my neck. She was really light.

I walked to the Starbucks, a couple hundred meters away. I kept Sarah on my back when waiting. But when she fell asleep put her down and carried her bridal style.

"Hey!" I hear a voice behind me.

I turn around and see Bryce, smiling at me.

"Hey! Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!" I smiled back at him.

"Do you want me to carry her?"

"No one else" A Brikey AUWhere stories live. Discover now