The day-date

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What Mikey says in bold.

Mikey's POV.

We walked outside and into the car. Bryce sat in the driver's seat and asked,
"Anything special or should I surprise you?"

"Surprise please."

He nodded slowly and then started the car.

We drove for about five minutes when he stopped at a red light. He interlaced our fingers and brought my hand up so that he could kiss my hand. Then I smiled and then we continued driving.

We arrived at a small cute lunch place around twenty minutes from my house. He brought me inside and we sat down next to a window.

A waiter came over with some menus. She was blond and had green eyes.

We were sitting across from each other with our legs tangled up.

I ordered a Caesar salad and Bryce order a toasted leaven with pesto and melted cheese (I just had both of those a small cafe near me that's why...).

When the girl came back with the food she looked at Bryce with a flirtatious smile, which made me a bit uncomfortable. We both said,

She nodded still looked at Bryce. I didn't really think too much about it, I was hungry.

After eating we asked for the check. She came over with it and put it at the end of the table. I reach for it but Bryce beat me to it and said,
"Nope, I brought you on a date so I pay."

When he opened the check he frowned and then said,
"Not again..."

I raised an eyebrow at him and he held up a small note saying 'call me at ...'(idk, just imagine a phone number). I sighed and shrugged,
"I mean she was cute..."

"Oh, shut up." He put the note back with the money. Then said,
"Be right back, bathroom."

I nodded and when he walked past me he leaned down and gave me a small peck, making sure the girl could see.

I smiled as he walked away because he was mine.
Should I throw in some Jylan?
Hope you enjoyed, sorry it was so short.
I need ideas so give me suggestions in the comments.

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