The girls

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Bryce's POV.
Mikey and I were at the mall trying to buy some stuff an early Wednesday afternoon. I could see some girls checking Mikey out from behind some racks of clothes. This annoyed me slightly.

I stood close to him when they walked over to us.

"Hey, I just wanted to say you are really good looking." One of the girls says flirtatiously to Mikey.

I raised my eyebrow towards Mikey as to say 'what are you gonna say?'

He looked really uncomfortable and said,
"Um, thanks, I guess. That is flattering but I'm taken."

I'm now very amused and look smugly at the girl.

"What are you smiling at bitch? You are probably single and lonely."

She sounded like she was really proud of that one so I simply smiled and grabbed the front of Mikey's t-shirt, pulled him in and kissed him slowly on the lips. There were a couple of gasps and someone said,

(AN: I don't support the use of that kind of language)

I then grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the store, but not before I gave the girls a little wave.

Just as we walked out of the store someone walked right into Mikey so he almost fell flat on his back. But luckily I grabbed his waist just in time.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked him because he had his breath knocked out of him.

"Yeah thank you for catching me."


I quickly pecked his lips. And pulled him up to his feet.
Sorry, this was so short! Hope you liked? Love you! Bye!

"No one else" A Brikey AUWhere stories live. Discover now