The car drive

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What Mikey says in bold.
Bryce's POV.
We were in the car to my parents and I was driving. I was focused on the road and had one hand on the steering wheel and the other one in Mikey's.

I was comfortable here with Mikey and kinda dreaded being in my parents' house, where I couldn't show my affection towards Mikey.

We sat listening to music. The song was poetic- Seinabo Sey(you need to listen it is so amazing). We hummed along and then I felt Mikey lift my hand and then softly kissing it. I gave him a quick smile.

The more I thought about meeting my parents, with Mikey and pretended that I don't love him, the more I seemed dreadful. I hated doing this to him, my one true love. And if I was being honest, I wouldn't care if they hated me as long as I had Mikey. I would choose him over everyone, even my parents.

I looked at him. He was looking out the window. The sunlight was hitting his face, making his features even more beautiful. His brown hair slightly ruffled. I could see that he was nervous, I was too.

I realised that he was my ride or die. That I loved him more than I would anything or anyone else.
Thank you so much for reading. Sorry, it was so short, promise the next one will be longer. Hope you enjoyed.

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