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What Mikey says in bold.

Bryce's POV.

So now his parents were gone, Mikey had custody over Sarah, life was good. Besides that my parents are homophobic and don't know about Mikey and I. I knew that they would find out sooner or later. Mikey knew all of this and he didn't pressure me to tell them. Obviously my sister but no one else in my family.

I want to tell them but they aren't known for being open-minded people. They told me as a child that being gay is a sin.

I walked up behind Mikey and wrapped my arms his waist and put my head in the crook of his neck. I could feel him smiling. I kissed his neck slowly.

That is when Sarah walked in and said,
"When you two are done kissing, can one of you take me to school?"

"Yeah, sure I will. Mikey is busy with some papers about your parents."

"Thank you, babe."

He turned around in my arms and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I smiled at him and let go.

Then I got the car keys and Sarah and walked outside.
Mikey's POV.
I watched them leave. I still had tons of papers to fill out about Sarah, our parents and everything about how they had treated us.

I had gotten custody over Sarah. With mine and my parent's money we should be fine, I got a small amount of money from social media every month and I could file for money to take care of Sarah.

Bryce helped with Sarah and he stayed here the most night. I smiled to myself when I thought about Bryce.

I filled out some papers about the physical abuse. I had been zoned out for a couple of days. Filling out the papers and taking care of Sarah was all I did.

When Bryce came back he found me where he had left me just sitting at the table going through papers.

"Hey, babe. You need to get out of here, you don't do anything but these papers and it isn't healthy. I'm gonna take you out to lunch."

"Bryce that is really sweet. But..."
Then he interrupted me with,
"No buts, go get dressed."

"Okay, fine. If you kiss me."

He sighed, then leaned down and gave me a long sweet kiss. Then he broke the kiss and whispered,
"Now go get dressed." Into my lips.

I sighed and muttered,

I started walking upstairs and he followed. Then in my room walked past me to my closet and threw a white t-shirt and black jeans on me. I raised an eyebrow and he just crossed his arms. I started undressing while keeping my eyes on Bryce's, just to be sassy.

When I was done changing. I asked Bryce,
"So where are you taking me to lunch?"

"Wherever you like."
Hope you enjoyed. Leave suggestions in the comments. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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