The day we met

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AN: This is the story of how they met and got together. They are like flashbacks, but from both POVs. Hope you like it. It will be a couple of chapters.

(I know this isn't how they met but just go along with it)

Mikey's POV.
I had just moved to LA with my family. My parents had a really bad falling out with their old friends and some of our relatives. They found a nice cheap house here in LA.

I was done with my room, Sarah's room and I had moved most of the furniture into the house. I was the one who had fixed almost everything with the moved.

My parents were waisted to the point of them not being able to stand. They would fall asleep at any moment.

My parents had only sobered up to chose where to move. Then left the rest to me.

I decided it was time to take a break after lifting my mother and father into their bed.

"Hey, Sarah do you wanna go to Starbucks?"  I call after exiting my parent's room.

"Oki, what day is it today?"

"Tuesday," I say.

"No the date?" She continued.

I looked at my phone. July the second... my birthday, which I haven't celebrated in years. Today I am sixteen .

"July the second. My birthday..."

I had totally forgotten, it is not like my parents reminded me or even care. I always make sure to celebrate Sarah's birthday so she would feel loved but the last time I actually got a card was when I turned twelve.

"Oh, can we eat some cake or something to celebrate?"

"Sure sweetie."

We walked to the nearest Starbucks which was only a couple of blocks away.

We entered the quite crowded Starbucks.

"What do you want Sarah?"

"Hot cocoa and that." she pointed at a lemon cake thing.

"Okay go try to find a seat and I'll pay."

"Thank you, Mikey."

"No problem sweetie!"

Even though the place was crowded the queue was quite short.

I got me the same thing as for Sarah.

When I had my stuff I looked over to try to find Sarah. She was sitting in a booth with a guy who looked to be my age.

I walked over quickly. Sitting across from the guy and next to Sarah.

"Hey! I'm Bryce. Are you the brother? Mikey?"

"Yeah. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand and I could feel a spark.

I fell in love with his eyes. They were so beautiful. He looked athletic and cool.

"I sat down here when I saw she was alone. To make sure she was okay. Don't worry I'm not a pervert."

I smiled and nodded.

"I haven't seen you guys here before are you new in town?"

He asked and something about him was so real and genuine.

"Yes, we just moved here today actually."
I said unsure, this boy made me very insecure but also made me feel safe. He couldn't be more than 16. 

"What about you?"

"I have lived here all my life." He said smiling at the ground.

"What are you celebrating?" He said indicating the cake.

"Mikey's birthday," Sarah said happily. 

"Well happy birthday. Where are your parents? My guess is that you moved here with them?"

Before I could make up something believable Sarah said,
"They are at home, Mikey says they are tired and they need to sleep. But I don't know why they are tired they always sleep. But Mikey says they have "special problems"."

I looked down, knowing that he knew what she didn't. That they were drunk. He was going to leave now, wasn't he?

But no, he didn't. Instead, he leaned over the table and took my hand in his. I nervously looked up. He was still smiling at me.

"Well special people have special problems." He squeezed my hand then said, " Well now I should leave you to celebrating your birthday."

He smiled then took out a pen and a napkin and wrote on it. Then he stood up,
"I hope I see you guys again. Happy birthday Mikey!"

He handed me the napkin and the walked off.

I opened the napkin and it said;

That is though... I hope it gets better. Call me at (make up a number) if you ever need something, anything.

I hope we can be friends. Happy birthday.

/Bryce Hall.

I smiled and pocketed the note. I really hoped we could be friends.
Hope you liked this. I have had a bit of writer's block so please give me so ideas. 
Love you ❤️
Thank you all for 3k reads❤️

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