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Me watching the BW anime:

Cilan: *mentions he's a gym leader*

Person: So you're a gym leader?

Me: Why is it that in the anime nobody seems to know who the gym leaders are? I feel like they'd be celebrities. Even the other gym leaders are unaware of each other


Cheren: *is a gym leader*

Me: Why this type of timeline? Bianca and N are BW age while Cheren is BW2 age. Where's Hilda/Hilbert? Why are Bianca and Cheren not friends? Why are Professor Juniper, Cheren, and Bianca friends, but the two have never met? WHY DOES BIANCA HAVE AN EMBOAR? So many questions


Person: Cheren is loosing his confidence

Me: CHEREN?! LOSE CONFIDENCE?! Ya right Pokémon I played the games I KNOW WHAT CHEREN'S ALL ABOUT


Axew: *Strays off*

Pikachu: *sighs and follows*

Me: Pikachu is such a parent


Cheren: *Uses a Herdier*

Me: Wtf you and Lenora can't both be normal type gym leaders she has to retire first smh THIS IS WHY THE RIGHT TIMELINE HAS TO BE IN PLACE


Me: Cheren is literally so precious in the anime what is this this is not the Cheren I signed up for


Person: Officer Jenny! A Bouffalant is on a rampage!

Me: Ooo y'all are f**ked now


Looker: *appears*

Me: Isn't it weird that in every game since D&P Looker has been showing up the same exact age no matter the timeline?

Me: That's some weird sh*t

Don't believe me?

Look back at all his appearances

Not a gray hair in his head my friend

But Grimsley seems to age...



Ghetsis: *appears in the form of a hologram type thing (you know what I mean it's like a call so he can talk to the workers and sh*t)

Me: Ew

Me: Go away

Me: Also why is your voice like that double ew


Grunt: Kanto villains? Why are you here?

Jessie: Because Unova villains are too stupid to take over Unova



Me: Wait technically Jessie and James are Team Rocket grunts woah


N: *decides to travel with Ash and co*

Me: Awwww yessssss more N for me

That's all I've got

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