*Waits for all of the things to be updated*
I'm reading this comic on WEBTOON and
Oh gods
I have to wait till midnight cause I can't STOP I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL I NEED TO SEE THE NEXT PART O M G
I'm waiting for some ships so in the meantime I'm gonna write some ships
Also I'm def not subtweeting anyone rn
Def not subtweeting multiple people
I hope I don't sound pushy and rude...
I'm writing about Paul and Silver too much they're rubbing off on me
Anyways I gotta write some ships
Or a brotp
Probs the brotp
That's not gonna help the pushy rudeness
I've been using that too often I literally gave that as advice awhile ago
My friend was like, "Hey you're a nerd"
And I was like, "Yes"
Her: My brothers birthday is coming up and I wanna get him a game what's that new Pokémon one about?
Me: *briefly explains as best as I can to someone who doesn't know much about Pokémon anymore*
Her: Oh. I might get him this other one tho idk my parents said not to get him a video game
Me: Do it
Her: I'm 18 in university
Me: WhAtever
It's not EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED but basically
I hope she doesn't see this
I should tag her
No I won't
Wow Chloe getting off track today aren't we?- You
Btw my (other) friend called me crazy today cause I told her I was excited to see Gladion in USUM
I should cut her out
I don't need that type of negativity in my life