I couldn't sleep so here

129 11 17

(Writings that I didn't check for errors so deal with it)

"Good morning honey!" N chirped as his wife exited their bedroom, "My you're breathtaking!" He gasped.

Hilda glared at him, her hair a mess, dark circles under her eyes, and wearing pajamas with little Duckletts on them.

"What?" She snapped.

"I just think you look pretty! What? Is that such a crime?"


Hilda sniffed the air.

"Is that smoke?" She asked, suddenly alert and walking down the hallway to the kitchen.

"W-What?! No!" N denied, blocking Hilda before she could get far.

"Natural...what did you do?" Hilda hissed.

"Nothing!" N denied.

"Daaaaad!!!" Two voices cried.

"Kids?!" Hilda exclaimed, ducking under N's legs to run into the kitchen.

"Ah I hate it when she does that..." N muttered, following his wife.

Hilda burst into the kitchen to see what seemed to be pancake batter splattered everywhere, smoke rising from the toaster, and egg shells and yolks all over the floor.

"Mom before you get mad, hear us out!" Hilda's teenage son said, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Daddy said it was your anniversary today! So Illusion and me wanted to make you guys breakfast!" N's daughter explained.

"But then Juniper burned the toast and Dad woke up and caught us" Illusion grumbled.

Some of Hilda's anger faded- their kids were making a big deal for them. But the kitchen was still a mess, and since their dining room was connected to the kitchen, there was various messes in there as well.

Hilda sighed and walked over to the sliding glass door that lead into their big backyard. She slid the door open to waft some of the smoke out of the house.

She grabbed a towel and ran it underneath the sink. Hilda walked over to her son, who was covered in pancake batter and rubbed it off his face, "You're all trouble, you know? Each of you"

"Hey!" N protested.

Hilda glared at him, "Will you throw away the damn toast and get the egg yolks out of your daughter's hair?" She hissed.


"Sorry about the breakfast, Mommy" Juniper apologized, sitting at the dining table with her brother as their parents cleaned up the mess.

"We ruined your anniversary, didn't we?" Illusion asked.

"It's not your father's and I's anniversary" Hilda said, scrubbing dishes.

"What?!" Both children exclaimed, "But Dad said-"

"-We'll of course it's not our anniversary" N chuckled, mopping the floor.

Hilda shot her husband a confused look, "Then what is it?"

N smiled, "Exactly fifteen years ago today, you told me you were pregnant with Illusion"

Illusion blinked in surprise, "You remember that?"

"Your father remembers everything" Hilda sighed, chuckling.

"Plus you two shouldn't have thought today was our wedding anniversary!" N said to their children, "It was two and a half weeks ago"

Illusion seemed to be doing math in his head. Suddenly he frowned, "Gross!" He exclaimed.

"What?" Juniper asked.

"Nothing" Hilda laughed, turning the sink off and drying her hands. She strolled over to her husband and pressed her lips against his.

"Double gross!" Illusion groaned, covering his eyes.

"Ew! Mommy! Daddy!" Juniper exclaimed, hiding her head in her shirt.

Hilda and N chuckled at their children.

"Now, what do you say I make some edible breakfast?" Hilda asked.

Illusion grumbled, "Mine could've been edible..."


"He's so cute!" Dawn chirped, holding Ash's new two month old son.

Ash laughed, "Well thanks! He takes after his mom" he said, throwing an arm over his wife and kissing her cheek.

The red head sighed, "Yeah yeah whatever Ketchup"

"Does that make you Mrs. Ketchup?"

"Shut up"

"Paul look how cute he is!" Dawn cooed, showing the baby to her boyfriend.

Dawn had dragged Paul with her to Kanto to see the Ketchums and their baby, and he was not having a good time. Especially being around his old rival for long periods of time.

"He's a baby, Dawn. They're all cute to you" Paul groaned.

"But this ones extra cute!" She squealed.

"Did you want to hold him too, Paul?" Misty asked.

"No!" Ash and Paul both said at the same time. The two glared at each other.

Paul looked at the baby, "You're lucky he doesn't look like Ash, Misty" he said.

"I know" Misty agreed.

"Hey!" Ash protested.

Paul noticed Dawn smiling wistfully at the baby.

"Dawn? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Mhmm" She hummed, "I want two"

Paul nearly fell over, "W-What?!"

Ash burst out laughing, and Misty snickered.

Dawn blushed, "Not right now!" She clarified, "Someday though..." Dawn sighed, giving the baby back to his mother.

"I'm going to put Riptide to bed" Misty announced, leaving the room.

"I think I'll go with her" Ash smirked, leaving Paul and Dawn alone.

"Y-You really want two of those?" Paul asked.

"Well yeah" Dawn said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Someday"


Dawn blinked, "What?"

"Okay" Paul repeated, a little irritated.

"What do you mean 'Okay'?" Dawn asked, mimicking Paul's voice.

"First of all, that was a horrible impression," Paul stated, "Second, if you want to have children then...we will"

"'We'?" Dawn asked, "As in, you and me? As in, you see us having a future together?" She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Paul rolled his eyes, "Nevermind forget it we're breaking up"

"No it's too late! No take backs!" Dawn explained, throwing herself into Paul's arms. She wrapped her legs around his torso as he caught her.

"You're so troublesome, Twilight" Paul grunted.

"I love you too"

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