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1. Why does no one write about KatexIsaac they're so cute

2. Isaac is so precious with his mushroom haircut and lab coat and he loves science and soccer I must protect this sunshine child with my life

3. Why don't people really know about the Pokémon Ranger games in general? Sure they're long, but they're good

4. We should get another Pokémon Ranger remake they're so good

5. I always used to prefer Keith over Rhythmi, but Keith is kind of a lot like hush child

6. Lyra probably doesn't appreciate Silver's murder sprees, but as long as he's home for dinner she'd probably be fine

7. Silver probably has like, MAJOR trust issues. His dad abandons him, and there's no sign of a mother figure in his life. But assuming Ariana is his mother, she's probably not the best influence either

8. Also don't try and tell me that b*tch is not his mother look at this

 Also don't try and tell me that b*tch is not his mother look at this

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EVEN THEIR HAIR SHAPE IS THE SAME. THEY EVEN STAND THE SAME. And Giovanni would def be in a position to be close to Ariana. And I'm just going off the games I know nothing from the manga (jk I skimmed Bulbapedia about it but it didn't give me much info)

9. How did Lusamine and Mohn even meet?

10. Are Ghetsis and N related? I know N's adopted, but Ghetsis found N when he was young claiming to be his father. Not, "Yo I'll be your dad now" it's more like, "Yo I AM your dad". And they look alike; the long green hair, their eyes shapes are similar, and their builds are relatively the same; skinny and tall. Eh, idk

11. Who's N's mother anyway? What happened to her? Did she give N up or did she die? I like to believe if she gave him up she didn't leave him in the wild to fend for himself until Zorua and Darmanitan came along. How old was he when they found him? How old was he when Ghetsis found him? I like to think he was 5-7

12. Dawn is easily the best Pokegirl. EASILY. And it's not just because I love Sinnoh

13. I like to think Dawn and Iris sing dramatic duets together and Ash is into it but Brock and Cilan are just like, "...Stop..."

14. Do you think Iris has a fear of fairy types too?

15. How come no one's hair grows over the course of, probably, a year long journey?

16. Why is Serena the only one to chop her hair off? I still think she should've gone to a salon instead of doing it herself, and without a mirror might I add. There's no way the back is even nice try Pokémon

15. How come Max exists in the anime but not in the games???

16. Wouldn't it be cool have a sibling in a Pokémon game? Oh that's right it's called Pokémon Ranger Shadows Of Almia. But like seriously; siblings in a main game get on it Pokémon

17. Where are my Sinnoh remakes

18. Can we just take a minute to appreciate the fact that Tracey discovered Elekid??? He sketched it in the episode where Rudy's hitting in Misty and Ash is all jelly

19. Do you think Silver exists in the anime? That would've made Johto so much better! Or the episode of DP where Lyra and that guy (...Cory???) are there? Introduce Silver dangit. Imagine the awkward moment where Jessie, James, and Meowth are like, "Wait the boss has a kid?"

20. I think it's a little bit crazy how often Ash would bring up Misty. He had her lure with him up until like BW (Maybe XY idk what he has in his damn bag. I like to think he carries it around) and in Lucario and the mystery of Mew he mentions that he misses her every day. And in XY he also mentions something about when two people fight that they really care about each other. Misty has the most screen time of any Pokegirl I think. She's around so often like omg

21. How come Iris didn't come back in XY?

22. I think I would've preferred Ash traveling with Cress or Chili than Cilan tbh

23. Ash always travels with a gym leader. ALWAYS. Think about it. Well, he doesn't in the new Pokémon movie but that's like a whole 'nother continuity

24. The guy Ash travels with in the new movie is kinda good looking tho. AND he's from Veilstone city just like my boy Paul. Also both kids Ash travels with are from Sinnoh. The girl is from Twinleaf and the guys from Veilstone. Crazy


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25. I love that in SM and XY (I think XY I could be wrong) the cars drive on the right side of the road since in America and France we drive on the right

Anyways that's a lot from me lol bye

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