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Me: *Writes a bunch of things, but they're only half done*

Me: *Shoves them all into one chapter and uploads it*


Me: *Sees mistakes*


*Fixes them*

*Also adds some more because inspiration*

*Is too lazy to make a new chapter*


"Hey Mom!" Hilda exclaimed as she and her husband entered her childhood home.

Hilda's mother appeared from the kitchen, a glass of water in her hand, "Hey honey! Hello N!"

N waved, a big smile on his face, "Hello!"

When the couple began giggling uncontrollably, Hilda's mother raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?" She asked hesitantly.

The couple proceeded to giggle for a few seconds before Hilda finally composed herself.

"Mom, we have something to tell you" Hilda said.

"What is it honey?"

"I'm pregnant" Hilda answered. Hilda's mother dropped her glass.

Shards of glass and water spilled everywhere.

"Arceus Mom...careful" Hilda muttered.

"Shut up" Her mother commanded, "I'm gonna be a grandmother?" She asked, stepping over the glass to get to her daughter.

Hilda simply nodded.

Her mother threw her arms around Hilda and N. When she pulled away she frowned and said, "Finally"

"Mom!" Hilda complained.


"I miss Hilda" N whined, laying in the grass, his face to the sky.

"She's only been gone for ten minutes" Moon said, sitting upright next to N. Lyra was on the other side of N, making a flower crown.

"I know" N sighed.

"So what's your story?" Lyra asked, picking a new flower and weaving it into the crown.

N sat up, "Pardon?"

"Like, how did you two fall in love?"

"A series of interesting circumstances" N hummed.

"How did you and Silver fall in love?" Moon asked, "You're both so different!"

"Just because their views are different, does not mean they cannot get along" N chimed.

"Oh Silvy? He's a big softie. He acts all tough, but he's about as tough as a marshmallow" Lyra snickered.


"What about Mr. Edgy?" Lyra asked, placing the crown on N's head. N smiled, finally matching the flowers Hilda had braided into his hair earlier that day.

"Gladion? What about him?" Moon asked.

"He likes you, no?" N asked.

Moon blushed, "H-He does?"

N looked to Lyra, "Was that a secret?" He whispered.

Lyra shrugged, "Probably"


(I'll probs expand on this later)


"Can we watch this one again?" N asked his girlfriend. They had movie night every Friday, and since N didn't watch a lot of movies growing up, Hilda often let him pick what movie he wanted to watch.

Hilda groaned, "Pyroar King 2 again?" She asked, "This'll be the third week in a row!"

N blinked, "So?"

"Why do you like this movie so much?" Hilda asked, taking a seat on her couch.

N blushed, "Well...I just like it okay!"

"The first one was way better though" Hilda argued.

N shrugged, "I like this one"

"But why?" Hilda whined.

N frowned and took a seat next to Hilda, "It doesn't remind you of anyone?" He asked.

Hilda thought about the plot of the movie. Two lion Pokémon on opposing sides falling in love. One raised by a parent with evil intentions, born to be a king, the other born into a loving family, who wants to prove herself. Despite the world being against them, they fall in love and bring their two prides together.

The pieces fell together.

"It reminds you of us" Hilda whispered.

N blushed and smiled, "Well...yeah kind of"

Hilda grinned, "You are so cute!" She chirped, pulling N in by his shirt for a quick kiss.

"How did you get to be so cute?" She giggled, tugging on N's shirt.

"I think you're cute..." N said, kissing Hilda's forehead.


(This required me to change the anime a bit but idc)

"Let's see how good this Paul guy really is" Zoey hissed, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.

Dawn rolled her eyes at her friend, "He's pretty strong, Zoey" she said.

"Not stronger than Brandon" Ash huffed.

"I guess we'll see..." Reggie mumbled, his eyes fixed on his brother.

In a short time, the battle started. In an even shorter amount of time, Brandon had made his way through most of Paul's team, making quick work of each Pokémon.

"Woah" Ash breathed, "No way..."

"Brandon is crazy strong" Zoey said.

Paul sent out his Ursaring.

Dawn suddenly stood up and yelled from the bleachers, "C'mon Paul! Step it up already!"

All eyes landed on her in astonishment, and she even managed to catch Paul off guard. Dawn even surprised herself, which was probably a need to worry. Her whole face turned red and she quickly sat back down and hid her face with her hands.

"You and I are going to have a talk after this" Zoey said, narrowing her eyes at her friend.

"Oh yeah" Brock and Reggie said simultaneously.

Ash had a confused look on his face, "A talk about what?" He asked. His friends facepalmed.

The battle resumed, Paul losing in the end. Dawn felt bad for him- he probably worked so hard for this battle.

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