I rewrote the thing

146 9 6

(I rewrote this thing

Kind of

You'll see

Or not


I didn't check for errors so FIGHT ME

I might end up rewriting this again in the future but who knows what trash will do?)

"Ghetsis" Rosa hissed. The leader of Team Plasma stood feet away from her, Kyurem at his side.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, Zorua in her arms, clutched to her chest for warmth. The fox Pokémon growled at Ghetsis.

"Relax" Ghetsis hissed, "All will make sense in due time. For now, I'll take immense satisfaction in destroying you"

"Good luck with that"

Team Plasma's leader smiled, "Thank you ever so much. You know you've done nothing to stop me? You've only postponed the inevitable" Ghetsis pointed his cane at Rosa, "Kyurem use-"

"Stop!" A voice boomed as a large white dragon flew into the cave. The white dragon circled the cave a few times, Ghetsis glaring at it all the while. The dragon landed next to Rosa and a person slid off of its back. Zorua squirmed in Rosa's arms.

The person looked down at Zorua and smiled, "Hello old friend" he said, placing a hand on Zorua's head. The fox Pokémon purred at the affection. Rosa didn't know fox Pokémon could purr.

"N?" Rosa wondered aloud. Zorua wasn't even that happy to see Rosa. She assumed N would be the only person to make Zorua respond in such an excited way was him.

N looked down at Rosa and smiled tiredly. Zorua barked in confirmation, nodding its head so hard, it got a small headache.

N looked to Ghetsis, "Reshiram told me that Kyurem is suffering!" He exclaimed.

"So?" Ghetsis spat.

"I cannot allow that to happen. I cannot stand selfish humans using Pokémon for evil intentions"

Reshiram roared in agreement. It's cry was long and elegant, matching its grand design.

"Then sit down" Ghetsis said simply. N sighed, his breath visible in the freezing cave.

"Well I'm glad you're here, boy" Ghetsis said, "I am in need of your Reshiram"

N scrunched up his nose, "What do you need Reshiram for?"

"I'll show you!" Ghetsis yelled, holding up a strange object.

"What's that?" Rosa asked.

"These are DNA splicers" Ghetsis explained, "See, when Reshiram and Zekrom split into two different Pokémon, Kyurem was left behind. It is a shell of a Pokémon, and using these DNA splicers, I can fuse Kyurem and either Reshiram or Zekrom. And it just so happens," Ghetsis pointed the device at Reshiram, "Reshiram fell right into my trap"

N panicked, "Reshiram get out of here!" He yelled.

Reshiram took off and attempted to fly out of the cave. Ghetsis however, was not willing to let that happen. The DNA splicers power encased Reshiram and forced it into forming a stone. The stone floated over to Kyurem, fusing with the Pokémon.

Kyurem took on many characteristics of Reshiram, including its gorgeous white coat, tail, wings, and fire characteristics.

Ghetsis smiled evilly, "See? Isn't this much better than an empty shell?!"

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