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(Assuming all the timelines are the same (which they're not cause HGSS takes place like five years, maybe, before SM and SM takes place god knows how long after BW. Long enough for Grimsley to have gray hair) here is the murder squad. Plus ships because more writing material)

"Will you slow down?" Hilda asked her boyfriend, who was scarfing down malasadas as quickly as a Munchlax.

"No" His muffled voice chirped.

"I'm sorry" Hilda sighed, addressing the group she was sitting with.

"Oh no problem" Gladion said smoothly, "Someone has to out eat Hau"

"Hey!" Hau retorted, his mouth full of the pastry.

"They're not that great" Silver muttered, messing with the straw of his drink.

"You're not that great" His girlfriend Lyra snapped, half a malasada in her face.

Lillie poked her boyfriend's cheek, "Hau, I think you may have a problem"

Gladion snorted, "You think?"

Lillie narrowed her eyes at her brother, "You bug me"

"So Gladion? Where's your girlfriend?" Hilda asked, smirking and raising an eyebrow.

Hau laughed, "What girlfriend?"

"Moon" Silver snickered.

"He couldn't ask Moon out if his life depended on it!" Hau laughed.

Lillie smacked her boyfriend's arm.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"So you like this girl, but you are not with her? Why? Are your worlds different?" N asked.

"No he's just Torchic" Lillie answered.

"Another tsundere huh? Trust me, it'll be quicker if you just let her ask you out" Lyra muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Silver hissed.

"Nothing, Silvy!"

Gladion snickered, "Silvy?"

"Ooo tough" Hilda teased.

Silver's face turned as red as his hair, "Don't act like your significant others don't have nicknames for you"

Hilda and Gladion exchanged looks and shook their heads.

"It's just me?" Silver whispered.

"Well to be fair...Gladion doesn't have a significant other" Hau added.

Gladion let out a frustrated sigh and slouched down in his chair.

At that moment, a girl burst through the door of the malasada shop, a wolf-like Pokémon at her feet, "Guys, guess what!" She chirped skipping over to her friends.

She realized they weren't alone, "Oh I'm sorry! I'm interrupting?"

"Oh no of course not!" Hilda said sweetly.

Silver looked over at Hilda, "You're too nice to be in the murder squad"

Hilda stuck her tongue out at the red head.

The girl clapped her hands together, "Oh you're Gladion's friends! What a relief. I was beginning to think I was the only one of those"

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