Ship things

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~Weird ideas for ships that are too short to be one shots

Also sinful language up ahead~

Gladion: I'm gonna take a shower

Moon: Can I come?

Gladion: ...Sure?


Silver: Babe where tf is my shirt

Lyra: Idk

Silver: So you're telling me you don't know

Lyra: Yes

Silver: So we agree that you don't know

Lyra: Yes

Silver: So is that not my shirt you're wearing?

Lyra: *is wearing a shirt clearly too big for her* ...No...


Paul: *Whispers* We should have sex

Dawn: We're in church

Paul: Okay

Paul: And?


Misty: Stop cheating you hoe

Ash: I'm not cheating you slut

Misty: Yeah you are, bitch

Ash: How would one even cheat at Mario Kart, assbasket?

Misty: How am I supposed to know, you're the one doing it, whore


Lillie: Hau wtf

Hau: What

Lillie: I just bought groceries

Hau: Yeah

Lillie: Why are all the cookies gone?

Hau: *wipes cookie crumbs from his face* I have no idea what you're talking about


N: Hey Hilda?

Hilda: What

N: How are baby humans made?

Hilda: It's hard to explain

Hilda: Oh well...guess I'll just show you then


Rosa: *stubs toe* SHIT

Hugh: Put a dollar in the swear jar

Rosa: Judging from what you did last night, I think you should put a dollar in the sin tin

Hugh: So should you

Rosa: ...

Hugh: Sinner

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