Hey it's October

173 9 13

(Also ships and unedited writings woohoo)

"What do you guys think of our costumes?" Moon asked the boys, gesturing to her and Lillie's costumes. The girls had decided to dress up as Team Skull members, wearing tank tops with the logos on them, black jean shorts, dark red lipstick, and heavy eyeliner.

The boys blushed and Gladion looked everywhere but at Moon.

Hau spoke up so Gladion didn't have to, "You guys look great!"

"You look weird in Team Skull clothes Moon! Like you've got an evil plot to take over the world" The boy added.

"Look what you made me do" Moon sang.

Lillie and Hau groaned.

"I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams" she continued.

"Alright I'm done with you forever" Hau groaned. Moon and Lillie laughed.

Hau said he was dressed up as Nebby, wearing a long galaxy patterned robe and a headband that looked like the puffs on Cosmog's head.

Gladion wouldn't have dressed up, but Moon made him since they were all going to a costume party. He had taken the easy way out and dressed as an Aether Paradise worker.

"You're lame, Gladion" Lillie sighed.

Gladion crossed his arms, "I didn't even want to dress up in the first place"

"I like it" Moon said, "He looks good in white"

Gladion blushed again, trying and failing to hide it from the champion.

"And in red" She added, giggling.

"Can we just go?" Gladion groaned, lowering his hat over his face.

"Yeah let's go already!" Hau chirped, walking over to Lillie and offering her his arm, "M'lady"

Lillie giggled and took his arm, strolling down to the beach where Professor Kukui was hosting the party.

Gladion gagged and Moon lightly hit his arm.

"Oh come on, they're cute. And you gave him permission to date her" Moon said.

Gladion still didn't look at Moon as they walked behind their friends, "That doesn't mean he had to listen"

"Well don't focus on them then," Moon suggested, "It's a party Flower Boy! Enjoy it!"

"I'm not a flower boy" Gladion grumbled.



"Are you only dressed as Kukui so you don't have to wear a shirt?" Moon asked Kiawe.

Kiawe shrugged, "Maybe...What's it to you?"

Moon sighed and rolled her eyes, "Nothing"

Lana spoke up, "I guess this is the closest we'll get to seeing Kiawe in a shirt"

Lana was wearing a blue mermaid style dress, pearls adorned the top of her head, she was wearing long false eyelashes, and her nose was painted a light pink.

"Kiawe leaves nothing to the imagination" Mallow snickered, waving her hand in the air.

Mallow had on a long faded yellow dress and wore a Pikachu ear headband.

"So Moon, where's your boyfriend?" Mallow asked.

"Gladion is not my boyfriend" Moon denied.

"Mallow never said anything about Gladion" Kiawe said.

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