Unfinished sh*t

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Exactly what the title says

Unfinished writings

"But Mother, I don't want to go!" A dark haired girl cried, arguing with her mother. They stood on the dock by a boat, waiting for the girl's father to finish up his work.

Her mother's eye twitched, "Lacey I told you- You're coming with us" she said in between clenched teeth.

"But Daddy doesn't even like Uncle Hau! Why are we going?" The young girl asked, green eyes narrowing.

"Your father doesn't have to like your Uncle Hau. Hau is married to your father's sister"

Lacey crossed her arms, "But I haven't seen Aunt Lillie and Uncle Hau in years! Not to mention Scarlet! I haven't even met the new baby, either!"

"That's exactly why we're going to see them. We get one week off in five years, and we're going to see our family"

"But Moth-"

"-That is enough Lacey. We are going" Lacey's mother argued, brushing back her own dark hair.

The young girl's father strolled up to the two, out of his usual work attire. His blonde hair was hanging over half of his face, and he was wearing dark clothing.

Her mother scowled, "Gladion, please change your pants. They don't match your shirt"

Gladion looked down at his black pants and black shirt, "But you said black goes with everything"

"Well yes but..." she sighed, "Forget it"

"Daddy!" Lacey yelled, "I don't want to go!"

Her father rolled his eyes, "You're too old to be complaining"

"But Da-"

"-No arguing. Just get on the boat so we can go"

Lacey crossed her arms and stepped onto the boat, sitting towards the front. Her parents soon followed her in, her mother taking off her sunhat once she sat down. Lacey's mother took a hair pin and pinned her husband's bangs back.

"You don't want to get weird tan lines" she said.

Gladion rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Moon"

Lacey fixed her hair, as a strand had fallen from its bun. She played with her bangs and smoothed out her red dress. She took the dark blue flower from her hair and twirled it in between her fingers.

"Don't be nervous Lace" Moon soothed, "Your Aunt and Uncle are very kind people"

"I'm not nervous" Lacey lied, weaving the flower's steam back into her hair.

Moon narrowed her eyes, "I know you- you're nervous. What's got you nervous?"

Lacey sighed, "What if they don't like me?" She asked.

"I'm sure they'll love you!" Moon exclaimed.


"We're family!"

"Daddy doesn't like Uncle Hau!" Lacey argued.

"That's different" Gladion said.


"I never liked Hau"

Moon swatted her husband's arm.

"What?" Gladion asked.

Moon rolled her eyes, "Honey," she said to her daughter, "They're going to love you no matter what!"




"When are they gonna get here?" Scarlet asked her dad for what seemed like the millionth time.

Her father laughed, "Soon. I promise!"

The doorbell rang.

"Speak of the devil..." He muttered.

"I'll get it!" His wife's voice sang as she ran to the door.

"Daddy!" A boy of about four chirped, walking up to his father and extending his arms out to him. His father picked him up.

"You're trouble, ya know?" Hau asked his son jokingly. His son giggled and played wit a stray strand of his father's hair.

"Hauuuuuuuu!" A voice shrieked. A few seconds later, Hau was tackled in a hug.

"Hey I missed you too Moon, but I have a baby!" Hau panicked.

"Oh sorry!" Moon apologized, releasing her friend.

Hau sighed, "You alright, Skipper?" He asked his son. The boy giggled at his nickname and hugged his father.

Moon laughed, "Skipper?"

"Skipper- Captain of a ship or boat" Gladion explained, walking into the room with his sister and his daughter.

"Okay you dictionary..." Moon mumbled.

"Skipper here loves boats" Scarlet explained, fixing her ponytail.

"So Hau decided to start calling him 'Skipper'" Lillie explained, "And it just stuck"

"Aw he's so cute" Moon cooed. She looked over at Gladion and made Lillipup eyes.

"No" Gladion said gruffly, crossing his arms.

"You're no fun"


"Thanks for the help again" Gladion said, Moon sitting in the grass next to him.

"No prob" She said nonchalantly, "I love watching you sing to the Igglybuff"

Gladion blushed, "You were singing too!"

"Ah well it's cuter when you do it" Moon smiled, tapping the blonde's nose.

Gladion twitched his nose. He hadn't really needed the girl's help today, he just wanted to see her. Hau kept telling him to just confess to her. He said it would be best for the both of them.


"I miss Hilda" N whined, laying in the grass, his face to the sky.

"She's only been gone for ten minutes" Moon said, sitting upright next to N. Lyra was on the other side of N, making a flower crown.

"I know" N sighed.

"So what's your story?" Lyra asked, picking a new flower and weaving it into the crown.

N sat up, "Pardon?"

"Like, how did you two fall in love?"

"A series of interesting circumstances" N hummed.

"How did you and Silver fall in love?" Moon asked, "You're both so different!"

"Just because their views are different, does not mean they cannot get along" N chimed.

"Oh Silvy? He's a big softie. He acts all tough, but he's about as tough as a marshmallow" Lyra snickered.


"What about Mr. Edgy?" Lyra asked, placing the crown on N's head. N smiled, finally matching the flowers Hilda had braided into his hair earlier that day.

"Gladion? What about him?" Moon asked.

"He likes you, no?" N asked.

Moon blushed, "H-He does?"

N looked to Lyra, "Was that a secret?" He whispered.

Lyra shrugged, "Probably"

"Oh...Oops. I guess this is why Hilda doesn't trust me with secrets"

"You really should think about things before you say them"

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