Halloween thing (that I of course managed to mess up)

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"Are we squad goals or what?" Rosa exclaimed, gesturing to her and her friends. Well, most of them anyway. Hilda was still getting dressed, so the group was sitting in her living room waiting for her.

"I hate this costume idea" Hugh groaned.

Hugh and Rosa were dressed as new Team Plasma members, Bianca and Cheren were dressed as old Team Plasma members, and N and Hilda were going to be dressed as the king and queen of Team Plasma. The whole idea had been Rosa's idea, given everyone's history with the evil team. N also happened to know where to get the uniforms.

"Ya know I figured that you would've looked more regal as a king, N" Rosa said curiously, looking N up and down. N's costume was basically just a long white cloak over his normal clothes and a golden crown.

N chuckled, "I was never really big on appearances" he explained, "I just wanted to free my friends"

Rosa nodded and Hugh groaned, "What is taking Hilda so long?" He complained.

"Hilda goes all out on Halloween" Bianca explained.

"It's her favorite holiday" Cheren said, messing with the hood of his uniform, "She tends to go a little overboard with her costumes"

Hugh sighed in frustration, "Well she needs to hurry up!" He yelled, loud enough for Hilda to hear.

"Don't rush me you Qwilfish!" Hilda's voice exclaimed.

Hugh grunted in annoyance and crossed his arms, sinking in his seat. After a few minutes, Hilda finally found her way down the stairs and into the living room with her friends.

Just as Cheren and Bianca had anticipated, Hilda had gone all out. She was wearing a ball gown style dress that's top was a silver color. Layers of thin black and gray fabric made up the skirt of the dress, long enough to cover her feet but not making it easy to trip on it. She wore silk white gloves, black heels, and a silver tiara adorned her carefully braided and pinned back hair. Her lips were tinted red and mascara turned her long eyelashes a dark black.

"You look awesome!" Bianca chirped.

"Gorgeous!" Rosa added.

"Extra" Cheren mumbled, making Hugh snicker.

"Oh Cherry you're just jealous because I'm prettier than you" Hilda sighed.

Bianca and Rosa laughed as Cheren mumbled a "Whatever" and hid in his hood.

Hilda finally looked to N, who was staring at his girlfriend with wide eyes. Hilda giggled and walked over to him.

"You okay, N?" She asked. N nodded sharply a few times.

"Doesn't she look pretty, N?" Rosa asked, smirking.

N blushed and hid his face with his cloak.

"Yes...very...pretty..." He stuttered.

Hilda chuckled and placed her hands on each side of N's face, making him look at her.

"You are so adorable" She giggled, pulling her boyfriend in for a kiss.

"Ew! PDA!" Rosa screeched.

Hilda and N pulled away and Hilda raised an eyebrow at her friend, "You're one to talk" she said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Rosa lied.

Hilda rolled her eyes and took her boyfriend's hand, "So are we going to this party or not?"

"Yup! Liberation!" Rosa exclaimed.

"Liberation!" Everyone but N cheered.

"I didn't sound like that" N pouted.

"Yes you did" Cheren stated.

"Shut up and let's go" Hugh complained.


The Pokémon league was hosting a Halloween party this year, all thanks to Iris. She'd convinced the rest of the elite four members that it would be a good idea, even if Grimsley and Shauntal were easy to convince. All the gym leaders and previous gym leaders were invited, along with many trainers who had managed to make it to the league.

Iris saw her old friends as they walked in.

"Bianca!" Iris cried, engulfing the blonde in a hug. Bianca returned the hug.

"Iris! It's been too long!" She chirped as Iris pulled away.

"Too long!" Iris agreed, "Oh Team Plasma members? All four of you?" She asked, gesturing to the four trainers dressed in uniforms.

Bianca laughed, "Well sure, but N and Hilda are dressed as the king and queen of Team Plasma" she explained.

Iris narrowed her eyes at N, "Right. That whole thing" she said. She shook away her frown, "Well I hope you'll all have fun! We spent forever putting this place together! Shauntal and Grimsley had a field day..."

"You're dressed as Alder" Cheren observed.

Iris put her hands on her hips and stood proud, "Yup! Well I'll leave you guys to it! Later!" She exclaimed, running off in one direction or another.

"Well...food?" Rosa asked her boyfriend.

"Food? Yes. Definitely" Hugh agreed. The couple ran towards the food.

Cheren looked around and suddenly frowned, "Is that Burgh?" He asked, pointing.

Bianca nodded, "I think so...why?"

Cheren took of his hood, "I've got a bone to pick with that guy" he hissed, walking towards the bug type gym leader. Bianca followed Cheren at his heels, putting his hood back up.

Hilda scanned the room, most trainers were dressed up as Pokémon, movie characters, or celebrities. Her eyes landed on a girl who was dressed up as Rosa and she laughed to herself.

Hilda felt N's arm curl around her waist and pull her closer to him.

"You are very pretty" N said, placing a kiss on Hilda's temple.

Hilda smiled, "Thank you" she said, tugging on N's cloak, "You're very handsome"

N blushed a deep red and pulled Hilda into a hug so she couldn't see his blush.

"You're sooo cute!" Hilda cooed, snuggling into the hug, which only made N blush harder.

"C'mon you grasshead," Hilda teased, pulling away, "Let's let have fun"

(A/N. There was more but I don't have time



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