Smol random writings

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I wrote some small stuff so here look


"Hilda can I ask you something?" N asked his girlfriend as they sat cuddled on the couch watching Shrek.

Hilda wanted to watch it for meme purposes, but N genuinely wanted to watch it. It's not like Hilda didn't enjoy the movie anyway, she always liked Dreamworks movies.

"Sure" Hilda said as Donkey began singing "I'm a believer".

"Would you give up your beauty for me like Fiona did for Shrek?"

Hilda smiled and snuggled into N's torso, "I'd give up everything for you"


"Hugh seriously?! Could you be any clumsier?!" Rosa yelled, looking at the shattered remnants of her mother's lamp.

"It was your idea to make out on the couch!" Hugh argued.

Rosa rubbed her temples, "Shut it! I'm so dead"

"Did you just tell me to shut it?" Hugh asked.


"That's it! I'm not putting out tonight!" Hugh said, walking out the front door.

Rosa rolled her eyes, "What a drama queen"


"I think you look cute with your glasses!" Bianca said, ear pressed against the bathroom door.

"No! This is a disaster!" Cheren's voice exclaimed, muffled by the door.

"Stop being dramatic! Rosa invited us to dinner, and we are going! Get your butt out here!" Bianca said firmly.

Cheren grumbled a few curse words before opening the bathroom door and walking out, hands in his pockets and his face red. His glasses sat on his nose, nearly falling off his face due to the angle of his hung head.

"Aw Cherry!" Bianca squealed, "You look so cute!"

"Shut up" Cheren mumbled.

"We match now!"


Bianca pouted, "What you don't wanna match with me? Do you think I'm not cute enough?"

"That's not what I said!" Cheren argued.

"I know!" Bianca chirped, placing a kiss on Cheren's nose, "Love you Cherry!"

Cheren smiled, "Love you B"


"Hey give that back!" Ash yelled, lunging for Pikachu, who had stolen something from Ash's bag.

Pikachu stuck his tongue out at his trainer and hid behind his friends.

"Whatcha got there Pikachu?" Bonnie asked the mouse Pokémon.

"Nothing!" Ash denied, "He's got nothing"

Pikachu held up a pink piece of cloth with a sun-like design on it. The yellow mouse smirked at its trainer's blushing face.

"Doesn't seem like nothing" Clemont observed.

"Yeah Ash, what's the matter?" Serena asked.

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