Not a spoiler

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Not a spoiler, but it is an unfinished writing that I'll probably never come back to

What else is new?


"You're what?!" Hau and Lillie exclaimed in shock.

Moon rubbed the back of her neck nervously, "I'm moving back to Kanto" she said.

"What? You're leaving?" Lillie cried.

Moon held her hands up, "Well sure, but only for a year" she explained nervously.

"Why?" Hau asked.

"I miss my dad, you guys" Moon said, "And I always wanted to challenge the gyms. It was something I didn't get the chance to do"

"But you'll be leaving? For a whole year?" Lillie asked, an angry tone to her voice.

Moon crossed her arms and made a sour face, "Hey don't be like that! I supported you when you went to Kanto! And you were gone much longer than I'm going to be!"

"But what about being champion?" Hau asked.

Moon shrugged, "I have to resign"

"Resign?!" Moon's friends yelled.

"Look you guys," Moon said in a gentle voice, "I'll be leaving the league to Professor Kukui. When I come back from Kanto, I'll challenge the league and fight for the title again. It's no big deal"

Hau looked on the verge of tears, "But...who am I supposed to have battles with?"

"Gladion?" Moon suggested.

"Oh please!" Hau scoffed, "He'll be too busy murdering me to battle!"

Lillie tugged on the strings of her sweatshirt, "Speaking if my did he take this news?" She asked.

"He doesn't know" Moon stated.


"And I'd appreciate it if no one told him"

"What? Moon you have to tell him!" Lillie argued.

"I can't! If he finds out I'm leaving, he'll just distance himself from me! I went to a champion's meeting in Sinnoh a few years back, and Gladion wouldn't talk to me for weeks before I left. I was only going to be gone for three days"

"Moon you have to tell him" Lillie pushed.

"And I will! Ya know...the day I leave" Moon said.


"What? What he doesn't know won't hurt him" Moon protested, throwing up her hands in surrender.

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