Unedited writing

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"Moon! It's lovely to see you again!" Mohn chirped as Moon slid off Charizard's back, "Your Pokémon are doing quite well here!"

Moon had a serious look on her face, "Actually Mohn, That's not why I'm here..." she said.

"Oh? Whatever is the matter?" Mohn asked, matching Moon's tone.

"Do you..." she mumbled, "Do you...remember anything from before?"

"Oh well sure!"

"You do?"

"Sure! I washed up on these shores and decided to start Poke Pelago!"

"Ugh...no!" Moon grunted, frustrated, "I mean from before Poke Pelago!"

Mohn frowned, "Oh...no not really...I do know I must've been married though" he said, holding up his left hand, showing off a silver wedding ring.

Moon's face dropped, "Oh..." she muttered. She stopped her foot in frustration, "Dammit..."

Mohn grew a worried expression, "Everything okay?"

Moon shook her head, "It's...it's nothing...It was a long shot" she sighed, getting back into Charizard.

"But wait! Don't you wanna see your-"

Moon took off before Mohn could finish his sentence.


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