Unedited writing part 1

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"What's this?" Moon asked aloud, finding a letter addressed to her in the stack of mail. Meowth looked up at her and titled it's head in confusion.

"It's from Dad" Moon said, plopping down on the couch next to her mom.

Her mom scowled, "What's he want?" She hissed.

"I don't know I haven't opened it yet" Moon said, smirking.

Her mother rolled her eyes and flipped through the tv channels, "Open it then"

Moon ripped open the envelope to find an invitation of sorts inside. It was a cream colored paper with fancy purple lettering showing details of...

Moon's smile faded.

"Well, what's it say?" Moon's mother asked impatiently.

"Dad's..." Moon mumbled, "Dad's getting married..."

Moon's mother froze, the tv landing on some cooking show. Meowth looked up at her in concern.

She shook her head, "I'm fine! That's great. Good for him" she said, her voice a few octaves higher than usual.

"Mom? Are you gonna be okay?" Moon asked, concern lacing her voice.

Moon's mother nodded swiftly, "Yep! You go, honey. Don't worry about me"

Moon frowned and looked back down at the invitation in her hands. She blinked in surprise.

"I got 'And guest'" She said.


"I got 'And guest'" Moon repeated, "I get to bring someone?"

"Oh wow..." Moon's mom sighed.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay with this?" Moon asked.

Her mother nodded, "Go Moon. Bring that boy you like" she said, waving her hand around.

Moon blushed and looked back at the invitation, "Do you think he'd come with me?"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Well he's not my boyfriend...but he is my friend"

Moon made up her mind, "I'll ask him"


Moon swung open Gladion's door without knocking, "Gladion I need to talk-"

"Don't come in!" The blonde screeched. Gladion quickly slammed his laptop shut and hid it under his covers.

Moon raised an eyebrow, "Am I interrupting something?"

Gladion relaxed, "Oh Moon it's just you" he sighed, taking his laptop back out and opening it, "No you're not interrupting, come in"

Moon closed the door behind her and sat at the foot of Gladion's bed, "What are you doing?" She asked hesitantly.

Gladion didn't look up from the screen, "Shopping for Mother"

"Oh right, her birthday" Moon said, sighing in relief, "May I suggest pictures of herself?"

Gladion rolled his eyes, "Lillie's already getting her that" he said. He looked up at Moon in confusion, "What did you think I was doing?"

Moon felt her ears grow hot, "N-Nothing!" She stammered, looking away.

Gladion thought for a few seconds, then scoffed, "No I wasn't doing that" he said.

Moon coughed, "Got it"

"So what's up?" The boy asked, returning his attention to the computer screen.

"Um do you think you could do me a favor?" Moon asked.


"Uh see I guess my dad is getting remarried-"

Gladion shut his computer, "Are you going to make a joke about me being a 'flower boy'?"

Moon giggled, "No, but I might now" she teased.

"So your dad's getting remarried? How are you taking that?"

Moon shrugged, "I don't know...I mean I met his girlfriend last year when I visited him, but I didn't think they were serious..."

Gladion nodded slowly, "Oh"

Moon shook her head, "Oh yeah about that favor?"

"What is it?" The boy asked.

Moon took out the invitation and handed it to Gladion, "Well I uh got 'And guest' so I get to bring someone" she explained, blushing, "I was kinda hoping that you'd come with me..."

Gladion blushed, "You want me to come with you?"

"Yeah? I just think it'd be easier on me if I brought one of my friends"

"Oh...not Lillie or Hau?" Gladion asked, disappointment sleeping into his voice at the word 'friend'.

"Well I want to bring you. Is that so bad?"

Gladion's blush returned, "I guess not"

"And my dad doesn't really like Lillie and Hau..." Moon added, giving a nervous chuckle.

"Why not?"

"He thinks they're too loud" Moon shrugged, "Or something. I don't know"

Gladion mouthed an 'Oh' and handed the invitation back to Moon.

"So...will you come?" She asked.

The boy smiled, "Sure"

Moon beamed, "Thanks Gladion!" She chirped, "We're gonna be gone for a few days though, is that okay?"

"Yeah. I could use a break from this place" he said, gesturing to the walls around him.

Moon smiled, "Thanks Flower Boy"

Gladion frowned, "I'm not a flower boy..." he grumbled.

Moon giggled as she stood up. As she went to exit the room, Gladion stopped her, "Wait! Do I need to dress nice?"

"Duh" Moon said, rolling her eyes.

"Ugh...Maybe I'll have Mother pick something out for me" Gladion grumbled.

"Yes do that! Something white!" Moon commanded.

Gladion blinked, "Why?"

"You look nice in white...See ya later!" Moon chirped, quickly leaving Gladion's room leaving the blonde as red as a shiny Gyarados.

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