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"Hello?" Rosa said, answering her Xtransceiver.

N's face appeared on the screen, tears streaming down his face, "Rosa help!"

"What's wrong?" Rosa asked, a worried tone to her voice.

"Hilda and I were playing hide and seek but I can't find her!" He explained.

Rosa rubbed her temples, "Uh...I'm sure she's around, N"

"But I don't know where she is!"

"Did you check the kitchen?"

"Oh..." N muttered, hanging up.

He walked into the kitchen, seeing Hilda leaning against the counter and eating a bag of chips.

"You took too long" Hilda explained, shrugging.

N's eyes filled with tears as he smiled at the sight of Hilda.

"Hilda I missed you!" He chirped, rushing over to Hilda and hugging her. The chips in the bag crunched against N's stomach as he hugged Hilda.

"N! The chips!"

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